$10 MYO Drowl Slots (common traits)

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by Drowls

Going to put up 3 of these as I'm a little tight for cash until payday next week `v`/;; paypal only

Common only since I don't have the updated traits lists finished (this won't effect currently held MYO slots, dw!)

1. Yawal, paid

2. Wayrox, paid

3. $10

- No time limit on creation!

- Can resell your slot for the same $10 price so long as you notify me here or over at Kihtorii if you do so

- Send your finished design, WIPs or questions to me here or Kihtorii <3

Traits Guide

Drowl Examples


I'd like to snag one please!

Absolutely, thank you!

Please send payment here -- (goods/services, no address needed)

One for me please!

Sure thing, thank you!

Please send payment here -- (goods/services, no address needed)

Hi! I was wondering if you're still interested in the slot?

Sorry for the delay! i am indeed still interested C: i'll swing the payment across right away!

Got it safely, thank you! ;v;/