Story List

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago by salt

99% copied from beau 


Outliers *

summary: a story mainly about finding one's self under the guise of heroics, the grey area of morality, and crossing through realms. it's pretty bad // cast

Arcane/Prophecy/Nameless *

summary: summary: about two mage kids and one seer trying to not screw up on fulfilling a prophecy since the hero it was meant for is missing // cast

Hellstory/Understory aka Swagjacked *

summary: about a ragtag group of inhuman companions who are trying to escape hell and wind up caught in its politics // my cast + beau's cast

Slow Burn

summary: a spin-off of hellstory. it was created to be an otome set in a calmer environment // my cast + beau's cast

The Pirate Story *

summary: as the name implies, about a new crew of pirates of many different species //  my cast + beau's cast

"Generic" AU

summary: set in an unnamed american city where all the characters have "normal" lives. contains almost every OC we have // my cast + beau's cast 


summary: a zombie apocalypse survival AU inspired by the walking dead. also contains nearly every OC between us // my cast + beau's cast

Ouran AU

summary: a hostclub AU inspired by ouran HSHC // my cast + beau's cast


summary: set in hogwarts // my cast + beau's cast


summary: an AU set in/inspired by the Soul Eater universe // my cast + beau's cast


* these occur on the same timeline, beginning with outliers, then hell story, then prophecy and pirates happening around the same time


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