Ruby Needle

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by Astaphis

"Mysterious murders have been happening in Shizuku City - The bodies were completely drained of their blood and the only hole was made with a ruby needle, that was still stuck in their necks. The murders seem to correlate with several seasons of the Gameshow Kimodameshi, which coincidentally has a Ruby Needle as their Symbol - The police are stumped by the cases and the Game continues."

Year: 1989
Season: Early Summer


Neroli Shchglov  
19 | 18.09.1970 | He/They
The current Host of Kimodameshi. He took over after the previous Host died under mysterious circumstances. Neroli changed the rules of the game and made it so that several people can be declared winner (meaning that no one has to die), despite this the killing inside the show continues. He employed three girls to be "Showgirls" which he refers to as his girls.

Favorite Food: Kujira (whale meat), Basashi (horse meat), and Goya (bitter melon).
Status: Alive

Kousagi Chimitsu
20 | 01.11.1969 | She/Her
Beautiful and popular online despite her over-the-top personality. Works for Neroli Shchglov and became the unofficial mascot for Kimodameshi. She dons a pink bunny suit, chosen by Neroli, and is often seen eating candy during the show. Many refer to her as simply "Bunny" as her real name isn't well known.

Favorite Food: Candy, Strawberry Shortcake, and Éclair
Status: Alive

Qiao Lu
22 | 06.07.1967 | She/Her
A popular Influencer on Xieye known for her Menhera style and macabre image as a "Haunted Doll". Her very pale skin gained her the nickname Gui. She has die-hard fans that would do anything she says, one wrong word from her lips and she'll hit the fan. She has several stalkers but it doesn't bother her, not even when one broke into her house and stole her underwear, she simply made a post about it on Xieye and contacted the police. She doesn't have a care in the world and her fans love her too much.

Favorite Food: Negimaki, Shrimp Chips
Status: Alive

Urara Saijo
26 | 14.08.1963 | She/Her
Lead Singer and Guitarist of the Rock Band Sogishiki. The Band became very popular after Urara joined it, she took over the lead position after the old leader tried to stab her with a shard of glass. She works for Neroli Shchglov. 

Favorite Food: Seafood, Pea Soup, and Egg Salad Sandwich.
Status: Alive

Nicaise Bissonette Jr.
20 | 11.12.1969 | He/Him
The only son of the late Mafia Boss Nicaise Bissonette Sr. who took over the family business with his personal bodyguard and maid Okiku Yoshimura at his side and since then doubled the money the family owns. Despite committing crimes, he never got in any major trouble with the police since his family roots go deep, he has informants all over Shizuku City. 

Favorite Food: Tofu Stew
Status: Alive

Okiku Yoshimura
24 | 05.09.1965 | She/Her
The personal bodyguard and maid of Nicaise Bissonette. She has worked for the Bissonette Family for many years and is well acquainted with the current head of the family. She is willing to risk her life for Nicaise and has done so many times despite knowing that he doesn't want her to do so. She got married to an opposing Mafia Boss in an arranged wedding to build a bridge between the two families. 

Favorite Food: Curry, Cream Stew, and Yakisoba
Status: Alive

Hikaru Kitsutsuki
19 | 03.10.1970 | He/They
A member of the Bissonette Mafia, a innocent looking young man who has a surprising amount of Information of almost any person in Shizuku City. He and Nicaise are childhood friends but no one is aware of this fact, they keep their past a secret from everyone. 

Favorite Food: Apple pie, Chocolate Milk, and Yakisoba
Status: Alive

Arthur Boswell
40 | 18.12.1949 | He/Him
A long time member of the Bissonette Family, married to Nicaise Jr. Aunt. He owns a Gun Shop in Shizuku City and has vast knowledge about firearms. He doesn't have any children but hopes to have some someday. 

Favorite Food: French Fries, Steak
Status: Alive

Tetsui Yajima
26 | 12.04.1963 | He/Him
He became the Head of the Yajima Family after his father retired. He refers to the family as "Silver Moon" and tends to be very secretive about what his family is doing, he rarely gets into trouble with the police. He's calm and comes across as scary sometimes, while out doing work he acts very serious and doesn't pay mind to any distractions, well, unless said distraction is his Wife Okiku. 

Favorite Food: Pistachio Ice Cream, Almonds, and Mild Curry.
Status:  Alive

Marcus Massey
23 | 12.03.1966| He/Him
He's Journalist for the local newspaper and a member of Silver Moon. He purposefully falsifies articles about the Silver Moon to stay in good standing with the Boss. While he can handle Alcohol he doesn't like to drink it, he prefers more healthy options. He is dating a member of the Gethwine Family. 

Favorite Food: Almond Milk, Celery Sticks, Egg Salad
Status:  Alive

Faris Cain Criraco
25 | 16.08.1964| He/Him
Bartender at a local nightclub, regularly dances at said nightclub for extra cash. He's also an informant for the Silver Moon. Before he became interested in Merihem he used to sleep around with many people.  A pervert who knows when to be serious. 

Favorite Food: Cherry Pie, Sushi
Status: Alive

Jalissa Rankin
24 | 14.05.1965| She/Her
Owner of a bar in Shizuku City and an Ex-member of Silver Moon, she still engages with the family from time to time to sell them information she has gathered but otherwise she wants to concentrate on her Bar and Cousin, Natsuko. 

Favorite Food: Watermelon
Status: Alive

Natsuko Suika
18 | 05.08.1971 | She/Her
The Cousin of Jalissa Rankin. She works at her cousins Bar and secretly gets drunk on left over cocktails when Jalissa isn't looking. She's unaware of her cousins involvement with the Mafia. 

Favorite Food: Watermelon
Status: Alive

Merihem Gethwine
19 | 12.12.1970 | He/They 
Artificial created God that came directly from the mother, he possesses multiple eyes that give him the ability to see everything. He employs several people that give him the information he needs, one of them is a girl named Rini Mochizuki who he refers to as his "Little Bunny". He's somewhat dating Faris from Silver Moon. 

Favorite Food: Pomegranate
Status: Alive

Rini Mochizuki
17 | 24.09.1972| She/Her
Former Street Rat that was taken in by Merihem Gethwine and given a purpose. Rini's purpose it to protect Merihem and herself from outside attackers while he investigates the Ruby Needle Case. 

Favorite Food: Carrots
Status: Alive

Fan Yazhu
20 | 18.08.1969| He/Him
Former Prostitute from Shizuku City who came into possession of one of Mother's eyes, granting him powerful seductive abilities. He seduces men and takes their valuables to sell them later, he's become rich pretty quickly and caught the attention of Silver Moon and the Bissonette Family. He currently works for Merihem Gethwine. 

Favorite Food: Spring Rolls
Status: Alive

Roach Devlin
17 | 31.10.1972| He/Him
A mysterious young man who became involved with the Gethwine family after trying to engage in unsavory acts with Fan Yazhu. He's the son of the local police chief which works in Merihems favor. Roach's real name is unknown and he refuses to talk about himself.

Favorite Food: Lamb Skewers
Status: Alive

Levi Hansen
25 | 02.08.1964| He/Him
Independent Hacker that recently became involved with the Gethwine Family. He grew up with his father who died from Cancer when Levi was 17, since then Levi has concentrated on hacking to make money instead of looking for a real job. He incidentally hacked into the Computer of Merihem Gethwine and got caught red-handed. 

Favorite Food: Hard-boiled Eggs, Black Coffee
Status: Alive

Rachmiel Beauregard
24 | 24.12.1965 
He works at the local church and acts as the leader of Mijin, a small organization founded by the Mijiharu Church in Shizuku City. Despite his close involvement with the church, he's not a holy man, he enjoys to engage with prostitutes in the Red Light district and is very open about his love for BDSM. 

Favorite Food: Tomato Salad, Egg Roll
Status: Alive

Chojiro Kaihaku
19 | 21.08.1970| He/Him 
A low-ranking member of the Mijin Organization and a member of the Church Choir. He's popular among the women in Shizuku and hopes he can become famous in the future. He's got a foul mouth and swears constantly with the exception being Choir time. 

Favorite Food: Apple Pie, Burgers, BLT
Status: Alive

Yurushi Kanemaru
17 | 02.07.1972| He/Him 
Yurushi is an anxious young man who suffers from Smile Mask Syndrome causing his face to contort into a smile whenever he's nervous. This has lead to many misunderstandings and abuse at the hand of others. He's part of Mijin as a way of becoming stronger. 

Favorite Food: Macarons
Status: Alive

Beleshta Mangleyeong
12| 25.07.1977| She/Her 
Young girl that is being kept in the Mijiharu Church's Basement. Her father was the previous pastor at the Church and leader of Mijin but he mysteriously disappeared one day. She's fond of Rachmiel and refers to him as "Miele". 

Favorite Food: Red Beets, Angel Cake
Status: Alive

Ethelred Licorice
13| 14.02.1976| He/Him 
A young boy who was used for experiments, because of that he tends to be very nervous, touch-averse, and also stutters easily. He's currently being kept by the Mijiharu Church as he can not be integrated into society or be kept inside the local orphanage due to his mental health problems. 

Favorite Food: Warm Chocolate Milk, Banana Fruit Tart
Status: Alive

Sadayo Katagawa
25| 19.02.1964| She/Her 
A strange woman from a wealthy family who possesses a talent for manipulating blood at will.  The Zenhan Group became interested in her ability back when she was still attending Middle School. She has many admirers but turns down any advancement with a sickly sweet smile. Her co-workers refer to her as "Katagawa-sama the Angel of Zenhan", behind their back she trashes and burns any and all of their gifts and curses their existence.  

Favorite Food: Spicy Food, Fruit Juice
Status: Alive

Chihaya Okumura
15| 01.10.1974| He/Him
Discovered by Zenhan after he hacked several government databases to edit arbitrary details. He possesses the strange ability to control Electronic Devices, besides that he's highly intelligent and has skipped several grades.  He's very close to Sadayo and finds it easy to talk with her. 

Favorite Food: Soy sauce or Mayo flavored Chips
Status: Alive

Bomu Yeying
24| 10.07.1965| She/Her
As the Daughter of an Actress and an Lawyer, Fame has always been in reach for her. She became a model at age 10 and later an Actress, stepping into her Mothers footsteps. She's not very intelligent, tends to be forgetful, and full of herself. She's a member of Zenhan but can not remember joining and doesn't seem to know what Zenhan is. 

Favorite Food: Kimchi, Gimbap, Kalguksu
Status: Alive

Ji-Su Park
22| 18.08.1967| She/Her 
Leader of a Gang in Shizuku. She ran away from her family when she was 18, together with her now girlfriend Eiko Kurosawa. She tends to stay away from what's happening in Shizuku but recently she's become more and more involved with the Bissonette Family, taking jobs from them for some extra cash. 

Favorite Food: Cupcakes, Black Coffee
Status: Alive

Eiko Kurosawa
19| 17.11.1970| She/Her
A Member of Ji-Su's Gang and her Girlfriend.  She comes from an abusive household and left it with the help of Ji-Su when she was only 15-years-old. She's a very sweet and kind-hearted  person who reacts with disgust when faced with cigarettes. 

Favorite Food: Tea, Apple Pie, Bulgogi
Status: Alive

Tsutsumi Fukisabaru
16| 23.05.1973| He/Him
A popular Idol known for his uniquely cute voice. Even if he's not in the Idol Industry anymore he still makes a stable income from being a regular participant in Kimodameshi. He's merciless and desensitized when it comes to gore and death and currently holds a 25-win streak. He's being stalked by a 27-year-old man by the name of Jun Shimada, Tsutsumi doesn't feel save and started participating in Kimodameshi as a way of scaring Jun off but it didn't do anything to deter his stalker.

Favorite Food: BBQ
Status: Alive

Fuyuki Kurozawa
23| 06.06.1966| She/Her  
A participant of Kimodameshi. There's a calm atmosphere around her that gives her fellow participants a false air of hope, something she enjoys to see. She comes from a rich family and is on good terms with her father, who owns a big company in Shizuku City. Fuyuki tends to be a bit lewd, especially around male participants which can lead to her downfall.  

Favorite Food: Red Velvet Cake, Macaron
Status: Alive

Tomo Mau
16| 30.10.1973| She/Her 
A ruthless young girl and participant of Kimodameshi. Tomo's cute looks gain her lots of attention which she uses for her advantage to manipulate her opponents in the Game. She's an excellent Liar and Actor, fooling everyone into believing she's an innocent, disabled girl in her first Kimodameshi game only to stab everyone to death when they didn't keep their guard up.  

Favorite Food: Curry, Goulash, Pizza
Status: Alive

Itameru Roba
16| 19.08.1973| She/Her
Her older brother was randomly chosen through a lottery to participate in Kimodameshi and met his untimely demise in his second game. Itameru believes that there was a way of saving him and that the game master ruled unfairly over her brother's life. She's not very skilled in a lot of things besides technology, meaning that she has no idea how to stop the game. 

Favorite Food: Chicken Nuggets
Status: Alive

Kohadori Susawa
14| 14.03.1975| She/Her 
Kohadori is the Daughter of the previous Gamemaster of Kimodameshi who died under mysterious circumstances. Her father contracted Zenhan with a request to create a special mask to make it possible for her to enjoy the outside world. She's unaware of what's happening in Kimodameshi. 

Favorite Food: Mochi, Pepperoni Pizza
Status: Alive

Felia Maedare
19| 04.02.1970| She/Her 
A young woman from a middle-class family who dreamt of becoming a model since she was 15. Her dream came true when a Modeling agency became interested in her, through the agency she met her current boyfriend, Hikaru Kitsutsuki, who she tends to baby sometimes. She dislikes Kimodameshi for the violence it depicts and prefers to stay away from such things. 

Favorite Food: Ice Cream, Cheesecake
Status: Alive

Bahu Fan Gaoshan
14| 07.04.1975| She/Her 
Bahu is a peculiar young girl who can only be described as a Chaotic force of nature. She, like Merihem, comes from "The Mother" making them siblings of sorts. She wants to participate in Kimodameshi but isn't allowed to do so because of her age. She once accidentally shot a man during a spring festival five years ago.  

Favorite Food: Yakitori, BBQ, Kakitamajiru 
Status: Alive

Lars Hecker
21| 22.11.1968| He/Him 
A College Student who gained a Scholarship through Soccer, he's been playing Soccer ever since he could walk and became a pro-player not too long ago. He's in a relationship with Chojiro Kaihaku but is unsure of how far it will go.  

Favorite Food: Breakfast Bagel, Iceberg Lettuce, Tomato
Status: Alive

Belial Lovage
16| 22.06.1973| He/They 
Born in a facility outside of Shizuku City, he was constantly used for experiments which lead to him becoming "Immortal". This only made the experiments more brutal resulting in Belial loosing his will to live, becoming filled with hatred for those inside the facility instead.  He later managed to escape the Facility and now hides in an abandoned warehouse in Shizuku City.  

Favorite Food: Minced Meat Patties, Garlic Bread
Status: Immortal

Yue Yao Ri
17| 17.09.1972| He/Him 
Yueyao comes from a rich family outside of Shizuku City, he came to Shizuku to investigate the Ruby Needle Case as he believes the Police are useless.  He didn't tell his family where he was going and has been ignoring their calls for weeks, he doesn't want them to come to Shizuku as he's afraid they'll become victims. 

Favorite Food: Lasagna
Status: Alive


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