Character Sale

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago by MissDaniechan

So I kind of spent a little more than I should have and I need a bit of extra money to due me til tuesday, so if you see anyone in my you want I will probably sell them! 


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Um Yuurei was 20, but has a lot of art, yuna was 12...but I couldn't bring myself to sell them I love them so much. 

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Ahh I can't bring myself to sell any of my birds

He was ten dollars but I don't think I want to sell him yet I just got him 

How much would you be selling or for? ;v;

Dean I'm not interested in Selling Mitchel I paid 20 for? 

Oh gods this is a super late reply but is Mitchel still up for sale?

Yes he is :3 

I'd be more than happy to buy him in that case! Also, sorry if this comes across as rude but are any other of your munchzies for sale by any chance? :3

not rude at all but atm hes the only one for sale and if you dont mind sending the money for him to [email protected] 

3 Replies

How much would you be interested in selling Breen and/or Rowen for?

(Also I hope you are not going to sell Heather! If so I would take her off your hands ;w;)

Breen would be whatever I paid for him? -I think 20.50? and Rowen the same I think she was 15

Gotcha! Ty! I will definitly think about it! :)

If you wanna make an offer though I'll definetely consider it? -cause I know they'll be in good homes with you and also Heather would definetely go to one of you guys if she ever leaves me but I don't plan on selling her.) 

If you're still interested I'd probably take best offer? -so less than their worth? would you do 25? 

Ahh I'm so sorry for the late response! I've been very busy and have been losing track of my messages!

I think I will have to pass for now, I'm sorry! There were a couple of Novatts avalible for me to purchase and since I havn't gotten any yet I decided to purchase. That leaves my adopt funds dry for now though.

I'm very sorry! Perhaps in the future if you're still selling them then!