
Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by Sekerys

Hi ya'll 

It's been a hot minute! (Only like four years ya know)

Im kind of back? We'll see. I may try to upload some more stuff I've had sitting in folders for ages and see how things go. 

Im doing a lot better than I was back when I was more in the adopt scene, and Im not sure Im going to get back into it or not. Im now a full fledged lolita and have been for a few years now. I got two cats which have been wonderful for my mental health and I've moved in with my partner which has also been wonderful. 

Im hoping if I get back into things to just leave behind a lot of the negative feelings I was having at the time that I stepped back and left. 

Since I've left I've had a number of mental health diagnosis' that have really helped me figure a lot of things out. (If we were close and you wanna know more feel free to reach out!) 

How've you all been? 


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