About emory/wilbur /srs

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by M0RALPAN1C

hello, my name is Arwen and this is what i think of Emory/Wilbur (ohdarlinq)'s situation. i know this has already been talked about in a document which i will link [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GQ0d7ew4EN_ggP2sgtF8yMRgswrgmNQNRIF6mDYXwb8/edit] but i feel the necessity to talk about it from my and other perspectives, and just talking about this "face to face" with the readers 

I'm going to talk about some points in the bulletin and address his "apology" 

and I'm going to use they/them along with he/him because idk what are his current pronouns. 

listen. if you're here to blindly defend him because he apologized to you personally and think he became a better person or trying to improve, don't. read till the end and hear me out, i will try and brush on some points in our argument and other things so buckle up

1. treating people depending on their status, chars, and art.

Before i talk about this, please do not invalidate other people's experience just because he's nice to you in particular. he was 'nice' to all of us until it got noticeable. I'm only going to mention people who are in the doc/are pretty public about it because I'm not sure if other's feel comfortable. Emory was extremely aggressive, rude and so unpleasant to a lot of people, some of it wasn't direct which is how he treated me. he would borderline publicly ignore me, be aggressive, or makes it clear how uncomfortable he was around me. i don't have screenshots of my personal experience because it was mostly on his discord server that has been deleted. but i have screenshots of him being genuinely rude to other people not using tone indicators or specifying if it's light-hearted or genuine.


shit talked people for literally just owning characters/designs they like unknown.png


Wilbur genuinely hurt a lot of people, it wasn't just the aggressive behavior that is already terrible on its own. but he harassed so many people including his close friends called them toxic, salty bitches along with other terrible things. he'd always pull away two close friends of mine when we're talking in a public server he'd just insert himself and ask them to go in DMS with them and just leave me like that?? and these two friends are genuinely amazing (clone and tall)

he lied and pretend to be their friends and was fake to so many others for their characters, art, and status. tall was a person who genuinely cared for him, and they were pretty close friends after tall informed him that he was temporarily banned from mint's server [minton] he just blocked her but when tall sent a friend to ask why he blocked her apparently he unfriended her, regardless if he blocked or unfriend it's the same reaction. and to do it to such a "close" friend is just extremely shitty. keep in mind that tall is extremely nice and caring and I don't ever recall her being rude or terrible to anyone {screen shots in the document, page 4}

and this is all just about the surface. he did so much other shit but I don't think I should include it because some people don't feel comfortable with being included and also this bulletin would just be so fucking long 

2. using mental illness/problems and how many times he attempted as a getaway

ok. the screenshots of my and Emory's argument are the first thing on the document. some people just read it out of context and thought that I didn't care about his mental health and say that I should care about his feeling and acknowledge that he has anxiety. hi, people who don't know shit and defend him because he's your friend /lh first of all why I said he's guilt-tripping is not because he's open about his mental health. it's because he fucking uses it to get out of every situation and be so pitty with it. don't just assume I don't care about people's mental health issues because of that argument when you don't have the full context. if you fucking scroll down you'll see how he uses hs su1cide/self h^rm to get off any situation. including my argument when he refused to explain why he's so shitty to me and just started talking about how he doesn't feel safe with himself, and when they were having an abortion discussion and pulled out the "I tried to commit su1side twice" card and the "I'm trans" card to validate his point. this is a little off note but do you know how extremely rude and selfish of you to say that these screenshots are fake when a lot of people came out with them? literally, %80 of my friends have been affected by him and you have the balls to invalidate their experiences and mine without proof?? ok so let me talk about his

3. "apologies"

people are saying that he apologized and is trying to move on and become a better person..to who exactly? did he apologize to me? no. did he apologize to Tyler, zee, or silv? did he apologize to one of my really nice friends who he called toxic and manipulative out of nowhere? no. no, he didn't. he apologized to people he knew would forgive him. if he wants to apologize he has to make both a public statement and privately apologize to the people he hurt. i believe people deserve chances but he was given so many and I don't think he's genuinely sorry. i don't think he feels guilty at all I think he wants his reputation back and you can say I'm wrong but I know I'm not. after what i witnessed i don't think i ever want to go back to being even close to mutuals with him. and he still plays like he's a victim?? they have me and silv (silver_orchid) blacklisted for "personal" reasons and has their partner block me, is that him feeling guilty? Nah i don't think so i don't think having people he hurt on his blacklist is feeling guilty for what he has done. and yea like i said he thinks he's a victim of this and wants you to "hear him out" on his side of the story. we don't need your side of the story i don't want to know that you treat me like shit because it's a "coping mechanism" 

4. about his scamming

I'm running out of time but yeah he does that a lot and i recommend checking the document with all the screenshots where he tried both scamming people and breaking the artist's terms of service for his own gain. he also tried to scam me for i believe a character priced something in between (250-500) for 1k. 

if you want to block me go ahead honestly lol, i know I'm right and if anyone uses the excuse that i was a bitch too, just wanted to let you know i that was so fucking long ago and i apologized both publicly (in a server, not directing anyone in particular just making sure no one was uncomfortable with me being an aggressive joker) and privately. people have the right not to forgive me but at least i did my best to grow up. if you still want to be friends with him that's not my fucking problem anymore and it's only your fault then if he throws you in his manipulation and toxicity. i did what i had to do and i informed you with what i have. please just go block him or at least don't interact with him. AND DO NOT SEND THEM HATE. please i don't believe you should do that just stay away from him, hating on him won't do any justice. so please don't. i really think you should read the document it has a lot of important information. yes, people make mistakes that's human nature but when you abuse your power and continue doing it knowing it's bad. and hurting a lot of people who genuinely cared for you. someone has to step up.

thank you for your time.


<3 tyy- I've heard of this situation before but never really cared much abt it BC it wasn't my business but I realize what he did/is doing? so I blocked him just now,, again tysm

ofc mate <3 it means a lot that you care and i think you did the right thing 


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I've added a link to this in my bulletin, I'm sorry you had to deal with all that shit, and I hope bringing these events to light will help people realize what's really been goin on. Much love dude /p 💖

I've also linked it in the doc so people get better context/don't leave with assumptions of you but if either of these make you uncomfy please lemme know <33

tyy man means a lot <3

honestly idc what he did to me all I'm upset about is what he did to other people like Tyler and tiny genuinely sounded really upset and it just broke my heart SDHJAK i just want to spread awareness


and godd yeah 

and you are very valid for having these thoughts- i ended up blocking em again bc what he did was super shitty <33 very sorry you had to deal with that

i think you did the right thing 💖💖 ty dude

yeah, i do too, it was for the better- 💗💖💗💞💖💗💕💗💕💗💓 no need for thanks! ly dude /p

love you too man 😌/p