if i speedrun tai's dta on the last day...

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by gojocat

will I make it?

idk let's see :00

edit: made public for scratch peopepelelele


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im just gonna give you the bio right here cause im too lazy to change things for scratch bot

I'll share the project without this description soon HAAHAH

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH I forgot to enter rip!
I actually made this in like an hour

name: NOL HAAHAHAHA friends/family call him nollie
pronouns: ae/aem/aer / xy/xym/xyr / he/him/his
gender: queer / demifluid! <3
likes: camping, birds, xyr one friend ha, food, nature, water yum, snow
dislikes: that really hot day in summer, forest fires :c, people
mbti: intj-t / enfj-t can't decide,,
favorite color: blue
favorite holiday: lunar new year

he was born in the city near the shore and he lived around the very cool docks but his neighbors chased him away when he was still a literal baby ya he had family so he moved to the suburbs and then xy lived there for like 10 more years now ae is like only 10 years old so now xy's parents die :( xy is very depressed yada yada ok then ae just like moves into a random treehouse in his backyard it's like luxury treehouse bro ok and he just lives there ae sold the house to ae's one friend and now they just like hang out sometimes.... xy lives 2 hours away from a city and the beach so xy FRICKING BIKES THERE ON AE RUSTY BIKE OK you gotta love xym
sometimes xy lives in the house with ae friend but only sometimes.
oh god this backstory sucks

literally cannot survive a week without getting a bruise or something but also has never broken a bone or anything

also aspiring activist maybe?? but too chicken to do anything

cares a hecking lot about the earth <33 tree hugger
loves camping ew hotels unless hotel have good food?????
loves traveling

trashy mental health but also too chicken to actually like self-harm

likes biking (/obvs) reading and kinda a nerd, intimidating and "smart" from the outside, dumb and foolish and really childish once you get to know aem. has a sense of humor

is an idiot LOL SCRATCH

hates photos ew (like when someone takes photos of HIM)

- likes music <3

- literally draw him with yeong-gi's expressions that would be fun


wait what timezone are you? :0