post-artfight updates

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by cryptography


ignore the fact that it's... *checks watch* four days after artfight ended, i wanted to get everything sorted out before i did LOL. Also the drawing of carwyn is irrelevant i just didn't want to have this only be text. ANYWAY. ARTFIGHT WAS FUN AS ALWAYS. couple updates now that it's over though:

1. LOOK AT MY TOYHOUSE ggrrgrhrhhgr i updated all my folder art and icons to fit my current style and they all match it looks so fucking good rn swear to god. Color coordination is my passion. Also i'm never drawing another bust shot again i think. (inb4 i get the urge to update everything again after next artfight as is literally what happened last year as well)

2. i updated my commissions carrd yaaay i hope everything on there is clear... Yes these are open yes i am available for pms either here or on any of my social media linked in the carrd yes i am willing to draw your ocs. as you know i draw mostly humanoids but anthros and ferals and other more complex ocs aren't out of my comfort zone either .w.

3. art trades are Incredibly Tentative i will most likely turn you down unless i already know you. i wanna do personal art and studies for a bit :T but i will probably be participating in artfight minigames here and there when they open up again so! there's that

4. oh also i'm 19 now this happened like a week ago i just kind of forgot KEKEKEKE

yaaay ok back to having brain mold about revolutsiya and playing lobotomy corporation and grinding out my summer classes. *lies down on the floor and doesn't get back up*



THANK YOU!! <3333