Free Adopt Guidelines

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by Battibii

I’m going to keep this pretty simple and hopefully small, as I don’t want to be super duper professional with my designs and really just want people to enjoy them.

1. Please do not resell for cash when the character is under a week old. Genuinely I would prefer you not too sell them at all for real currency unless you are in desperate need for cash or of course have added art, which then you can add the value of that art pieces plus like 10-20 extra dollars as that is what I used to sell my designs for. Though that isn’t a mini rule, it’s mote of a suggestion.

2. Please do not ask for the design if you are only wanting it to sell it. I have these free so that people can have fun with my simple yet complicated characters, not for you to have them just to be most likely passed around like a weird trading card. I want people to genuinely try to enjoy having the character.

3. My adopts will almost always be first come first serve. There will be certain cases where that isn’t the case, when then those would probably be a raffle adopt.

I really didn’t want to make these guidelines as I am used to people hunting for freebies because they, themselves, want an oc but struggle making it or just happen to find something they find amazing, but if you read to this far please give a bee pun on the adopt you are wishing for at the time if there is one up.


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