status update/where have i been

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by _Sinomis_

hello! I have realized i have been away for.. way longer than i thougth at first,and first of all,I would like to apologize for that.

I've been having a lot of... problems at home,which have been triggering my PTSD and making my sleep schedule pretty much inexistent,because of that I had decided to take a small mental health break,but well...

we see how that went,I'm not good at feeling the passage of time and the sleep schedule problem didn't help it at all.

I have been working on the commissions,but not much past sketching or basic lineart,that said,i will be working on them now.

I won't send updates rigth away but will "wait" 1 to 3 days max,to see if I can get more done to show to the customers.

I'm writing this mostly so anyone who may come around before those 3 days know what is going on.

also,another thing: of course,you guys are completelly free to message me,but please understand that i may not reply rigth away,since I'm ... just not good at that,and it gives me great anxiety which I'm working on.

still,if i haven't replied in a day or two,do send one again! i probably forgot/though i had replied/TH messed the message up...

thank you for reading and im really sorry for the trouble! ^^


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