Some Chars with Filled Out Profiles, Neato!

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by Pooka

Did you look at this bulletin?

4 Votes Ye!
0 Votes No (... then how are you here, you dork!)

What even are titles, idk. Anyway, I'm working my way back through a bunch of privated char profiles and seeing if they're vaguely presentable enough to unprivate. Some are half empty, formatted weird, or just otherwise embarrassing, but I want to make most of them available because... Why not... ^^; I think I might start making these bulletin things to announce notable unprivated ones from now on? Or something, idk.

But ye, I unprivated this group of peeps today: Fred, Rick, Adrean, Oh Well, Ravage

All of them but Ravage actually have something of substance written out on their profile as well, so! They're some of my favorite characters and kind of go as a group (again, except for Ravage xD), so their profiles bounce off of each others' a bit. It's still probably a bit confusing to read if you don't know what Lala Land is, but alas.

Oh look, you can have polls! Man, I want to make one, but I barely share my TH with anyone, so it would be kinda sad to see a poll with maybe one vote on it... I'll just not. XD; Or, you know what. I'll just make a silly one. :D


Ohhh! thats so cool!!