Adopt TOS

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago by Power-of-panda

By buying a adopt off me you are agreeing to all everything stated below, if you do not agree to them please do not buy a adoptable of me

Please note rules are subject to change, these rules do not apply to any adopt made before the update 

by adopting from me you are greeing to the fact i do not support blockchain cryoto anything and do not allow my works to be used in such ways ( crypto curyancy, traning of art Ais, NFTs, ai related technology  ) nor are my works allowed to be used in any future inventions of such spaces

last updated 14 june  2024

General adopt rules


If paying by PAYPAL or points you have a max of a 2 weeks, falling to pay with out any piro notices (( asking for extensions, paying via payment plans.ect))will result in you being unable to purchase that adopt or any adopt from its group  the adopt will be put back up again, if this continues up to three more times you will be black listed and will no longer be allowed to purchase my adopts

you have 3 months to finsh any ota art bef i assume the adopt has been abandone and it will be put back up, if you need a extension please tell me

note that you may not use the adopt with put paying first, I do not refund brought adopts, if you do not want it any more and haven’t payed yet talk to me please, deciding you just don’t wanna communicate will just lead to my trust in you as a customer becoming nonexistent 

commercical rights- 

commercical rights cover the  following usage ( are you making money off this, are you using this in a published comic, animation ectra thats not a personal work ( ei: a webtoon, a wiriten book ment for publish, animation series / one shot project) 


I will only hold a adopt for about a month, I can extend a hold  max two more weeks before I reopen the adopt 


All ways cirdit me please (( so people can come back and find me ))

Changes to design-

I don't mind small changes such as colour change, adding accessories but mayor changes that are just a 100% new oc are a no, you should be able to put both the new version and og version together and tell they where once the same design

--please note that I am fine with you making different aged versions of the design as well as different outfits and hairstyle —

—Please note that AU variations don’t apply to this rule, want to Au the design go absolutely ballistic... your free to even make the original in to a Au variation... 


 you may not ask for any more then what you payed, if you payed by OTA you must resell it as a OTA with the base amount the same or smiller to what you offered, if you payed by set price sell it at that price, 

prices may be increased if there is extra art/outfits and such

Normal adopt rules

Save the image-

I will  give out a biger file ,  failure to save the adopt in any way falls on your shoulders. I don't plan on keeping old adopts in my gallery forever so please save. I also don't plan on keeping my stash filled with pictures it will stay there for a month max.


You can only repost the main files to toyhouse so long as there is cridit, my toyhouse name is power-of-no so send cirdit to there.

Auction adopt rules-

Reply to featured comment-

Please only reply to featured comment for the auction and extra comment sections

Serious bidders only-

Please do not bid then pull out this will get you automatically blacklisted 

Ota rules-


If paying by PAYPAL or points you have a max of 2 weeks to pay, falling to pay with out any piro notices (( asking for extensions, paying via payment plans.ect))will result in you being unable to purchase that adopt or any adopt from its group  the adopt will be put back up again, if this continues up to three more times you will be black listed and will no longer be allowed to purchase my adopts

You have three months to finish any art, if you need a extentsion please tell me although i will need proof of your work. 

If you abandoned your current account for a new one mid way through completing a OTA drawing or design trade  transaction, I must be informed. Simply ignoring to state that you perhaps don’t want the adopt any more and just not delivering is  not okay. Like at lest leave something on your account that you’ve left so I can fowllow you up on the new account. Don’t be rude and just vanish from the transaction...

Replying and accpteing-

Failure to reply to me after I tell you I accept your offer within 2days will get my acceptance of your offer to be nulled, i will leave a message after two weeks questioning if you still want the adopt.  

Your offer-

under no circumstances are art slaves  appropriate  , read the what I accept and what I don't accept carefully in the discption of the adopt, I generally do not accept any thing below $1 or :points: 100

Custom rules

Changes to desing-

you will be given a sketch of your new chracter to approve, any major changes that need to be made after the sketch is accepted is +$3 per change. Please make certain your comfortable and okay with the sketch, colour sketchs can be placed next to the sketch with detailes pointing to what will be coloured what when asled for, be certain you are okay with thous as well.

Please don’t go and switch up the design to the point it no longer looks 100% different from the design you brought. 

--please note that I am fine with you making different aged versions of the design as well as different outfits and hairstyle -

—Please note that AU variations don’t apply to this rule, want to Au the design go absolutely ballistic... your free to even make the original in to a Au variation... —


If paying by PAYPAL or points you have a max of 2 weeks to pay, falling to pay with out any piro notices (( asking for extensions, paying via payment plans.ect))y, falling to pay will result in  the design I made being mostlikely  ethire kept by me or put up for sale, if this continues up to three more times you will be black listed and will no longer be allowed to purchase my adopts


either cirdit me or  cirdit me and your self as the designers, I don’t mind wich, we both in a way created this design.

cirdits should be as such

me: cerator. you: designer 

Custom myo rules regarding  Closed spices -

All regular  TOS rules apply 

I my self and you will follow all MYO rules and custom rules , note I will not stray out side a CS's specified  traits Unless you have some kinda mutation slot that says it’s okay. 

all rules of said CS group will also apply on top of my own TOS 

proof of MYO -

I need proof that you own a MYO slot before I start working on the custom. Failure to produce evidence of a MYO slot purchase will lead to your custom getting rejected.

the only time this rule doesn’t apply is if  you are the creator of the closed species it self

--Rules may be added--


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