THANK YOU VERY MUCH! to those that messaged me about the commissions you all make my shrivelled heart happy ;v;!

uff, I think I will open up once again when I do some of the order first, for now there is a lil too much, so I will have to sort those ones first ^^'

It has been 90 years since I last opened but I'm ready for new orders.
I will slowly open post that I am open starting from TH.

Here is the new Menu for this years commissions
Menu Prices

you will find most of the info in the provided link! ;v;/


When commissions are open, I'd love to get a fullbody!

ah, that would really take a while ;;

the waiting list is super full and I might take a break from commissions to try to work on more personal stuff and adopts ><

Well if there there was one. You're art's wonderful! I'll just keep a head's up. <3

if you ever open up for commissions again, I'd love to snag a spot! *A* 

ahh, ty for taking interest ;v;
I am currently closed and the waiting list is full as well ;v;
But is will make an announcement once I'm available again.

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I can put you on a waiting list? 'o'

it's kinda open rn since most clients got confirmed.

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Yeah, no problem ^^/
You can send me and email I'd simply respond to you there once I've got enough done (°∀°)

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This user is not visible to guests.

-paps face-

No sweat, Dear, you have tour reserved spot waiting for you uvu/

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Very interested in a B/W waist up liney! 

want me to message you here or on DA?

it would be best to do it via email ^^
[email protected] 

slams hands down count me in 
