explaining stuff

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago by jfk

yeah im, im really hurt

my boyfriend left me for another person.. he told my friend and the person i hate he had feelings for both of them, he called me a bunch of names and now everyone at school hates me bc he says im the bad guy.. he took all his stuff back, i burned my valentines gift for him. he removed every pic of mei from his insta, etc..

he also apparently didnt have feelings for me,, what a bitch

im broken, idk how to cope yet- sorry

my friend trent has been helping me thru it a lot, and im feeling lots better i just hate him now lol


You cared so much about him, that must’ve sucked, you really loved him :/ what a jerk,, but om gosh I hope you feel better <<3 you are so nice and talented and sweet, don’t forget it <3 you don’t deserve this,, just remember that I am here for you <3


thank u <3

ooh my god lee ;;Ww; ii really hope you feel better,, you're such an amazing person and its not fair whats happening to you <33 your lovely and talented, o never forget that-- stay strong friend ;;w;


Thank you aa!!

So um.. He sent his friends to attack my only IRL friend, he's such a coward-

aaw omg,, thats so messed up :/,, i don't get people sometimes ;;W;w;


ikr,, aa ;;

ii m so mad at him iidkk?? i don t even know him but wtf?