Rules and info about if you have designs from me!! Added some more and edited stuff yeeee pls read especially if ya own designs by me ;w; sorry for the second update- my anxiety on some stuff has been not the best lately so I wanted to also add a blacklist and some other rules for my designs TwT Especially with new designs of mine coming out soon, it just feels like a move right now. I made sure to add this t.o.s to the designs as well so yE TwT

Design T.o.S.

1. Always credit me as the designer!! Please do not claim to be the creator of the character, you can claim yourself as the owner.

2. You're allowed to make some edits and changes to the design, just please make sure you don't completely make them over!

3. Designs are for personal use only. Please do not be using these for commercial use, and if you want to, then please contact me so we can discuss.

4. Please do not resell adopts for more than you buy them for, unless you get more art for them! Just please don’t oversell

5. Please do not sell any free designs that you get from me, again, unless you get more art for them- but please be reasonable with how much you sell them for.

6. Please do not trade, resell, or gift my adopts to anybody who has me blocked or is not on good terms with me/anyone on my blacklist. I just want to be able to see how my babies are doing coz i like to see if they gettin love ;w; If you want to potentially own a design of mine or get off the blacklist please feel free to come talk to me, my DMs are always open! ;w; and please do not see being blacklisted as something horrid- I have no ill will towards anybody I just don't want certain people owning my designs when there is no way of me seeing them ;-;

7. If I don't hear back in a few days after a purchase claim, I will put them back up for sale! So please be timely with your responses if you are interested!

8. If for whatever reason you don't want an adopt of mine anymore, feel free to give them back to me. I will always take them back (however I will not refund you, I will just rehome the character).

9. Please do not delete pr reupload my designs!! Even if resold to someone off Toyhouse, please keep the character up on here or help the new owner get a way of getting a Toyhouse account to have them here.

10. Please do not turn my adopts into twins/triplets or anything of the like. One adopt is one adopt only.

11. Payments for USD are done through Paypal!


@/ Hachimitsu_bee311

I will add more if it comes to mind but please, don't be rude!! : ( I want to make some nice designs in peace because my confidence on my adopts is pretty fragile. Nonetheless, I hope that people will like them!! If you have any questions as well please feel free to ask!


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