Species Masterlists

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago by Prismakry

The following are the links to the Masterlists for the species housed in this group! If you ever want to see what flowers have already been used for a floralling, what color fluids been used for lavalams, or who has a pending MYO slot that isn't completed yet, then here's the place to go!

Floralling Masterlist

The following is the link for the Floralling Masterlist. It has multiple tabs, the first being the general list in order of creation, then tabs for each letter of the alphabet that is organized by the "normal" name of the flower, as well as lists based on who owns the floralling and who designed it, a tab for faeflora and florfauna subspecies, and finally the tab for unfinished MYO slots. 

The info provided for each floralling is their normal flower name, their scientific flower name, their primarily flower colors, how they were received (myo/adopt/etc), links to their DA/TH where they are posted, who owns them, and who created them.

      To view the Floralling Masterlist click here!      

Lavalam Masterlist

The following is the link for the Lavalam Masterlist. It is multiple tabs as well (although not as many as the floralling one!), the first being the general list in order of creation, then tabs for common, uncommon, and rare types (the highest level rarity trait a lavalam has dictates which it goes into), as well as tabs for who all owns which ones and another for who designed them, and lastly the unfinished MYO list. 

The info provided for each lavalam is how many of each trait type they have, their tank fluid colors, how they were received (myo/adopt/etc), links to their DA/TH where they are posted, who owns them, and who created them.

      To view the Lavalam Masterlist click here!      

Masterlist Edits and Changes

Do you need to update a link to your character, have you sold/traded/gifted them to someone else, have we somehow forgotten to list your character at all? Please comment in the journal below with the following form so we can update the masterlist as soon as possible!


Species: Floralling/Lavalam

Type of edit needed: editing a link, changing owner, adding a missing character, etc

Additional Info: **see below

**Depending on the type of change needed will change what goes here. 

If you are editing a link just list the name of the character being changed and what link is being changed to!

If they are changing ownership list the name of the character and the username of who they are being given to

If we are missing your character, then give as much info on the character including any and all links to them

If it's anything else just give as much info on what it is so we can do our best to help

Blank form for ease of copying: 



Type of edit needed

Additional Info

Thanks in advance!


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