Lavalam Backstory/Lore

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago by Prismakry

Hello folks ~ Just thought I'd write up a post with the basic summary of the backstory/lore behind the Lavalams species, just so everyone has a better idea of where they come from to help with making their own decisions about their babies they make! Keep in mind that this is just the main lore, I'm always open to you coming up with your own canons for your chars as long as you share with me and it seems like something that would make sense  

With that said, let's get down to it.


It's the 70's and a small business came into existence, called Lavali's Light Shop, ran by a wife-husband duo who had a passion for lighting fixtures and illuminating the world in the prettiest ways possible. Their biggest draw in that era were of course those beautiful glowing lamps with globs of wax floating around in them otherwise known as Lavalamps. They enjoyed much prosperity in their early years, eventually moving to a large location and expanding their production quite a good deal. It was after the birth of their daughter and a few years into her life that they came up with the idea of little dolls with lights in them, and thus created the original version of Lavalams, which were nothing more then small dolls for children with much more primitive forms of light in them. They too were fairly popular, although easily malfunctioned and over time more and more were returned to them, which started to cause their company to fall down in sales. 

Fast forward a good many years and the company goes under due to both poor sales as much as just some personal and financial difficulty in the Lavali's personal lives. Sometime in the midst of the 90s they finally closed for good...

Or so it seemed. Let's bring ourselves to a more modern time and the grandchildren of that original company have decided to revive their old family's namesake, which they had only ever truly heard about and never really witnessed themselves. So with the help of some top engineers and technicians and perhaps just a dash of science (and magic) they started to produce the new versions of Lavalams, which were human sized robotic dolls with tanks fitting into their bodies which contained lava lamps in them. They also sell other forms of lighting fixtures as well, and do well in that regard, but their biggest sale is definitely the Lavalams, which are mainly produced by custom order for many different purposes. Typically based on entertainment needs, for mascots, or even just for companionship of some sort. Also some are just created because someone wanted to invest in something they thought was cool, and once they did so they kinda just let the Lavalam go do whatever they want. The reasons behind a Lavalam being created is very much up to the person who funds the process, which means it's up to you, the creator, as to why yours exists! 

Welcome to Lavali Co. where we create living lighting tech to illuminate a brighter and more fun future for all."


And there you have it. Lavalams are created by the company Lavali Co, and for many different reasons so you have pretty free reign over why yours exists. Don't want them to 'belong' to someone that's fine too, as I mentioned in the above there are plenty of those who just fund the creation of them just for the fun of it, so they can always be created because of that and not because any particular reason was put into their creation.

If you  have any alternative ideas for how you think maybe your Lavalam could now exist feel free to run it past me, I'm always open to hear other's creativity and I want this to be fun for everyone so if you feel my backstory is too strict or not to your tastes but have ideas that would be more in alignment I'm not against hearing/approving them if they make sense to me, so don't hesitate to ask!


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