Melwyrm Chibi Adopts [closed ty!]

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by Jotaku

Smol update real quick first:  This past month has been pretty hectic for me!  A long time housemate moved out and the whole process of him getting out + deep cleaning everything + getting new housemates in took waayyy more time and energy than I anticipated. x__x
Pretty much everything else in my life got put on hold while all that was getting sorted, but now that things are settling down again, those currently waiting on stuff should start hearing & seeing things from me again soon throughout this month!

Anyway, on to the adopts!


Doin' something a bit different for melwyrms!  This time it's a flat sale batch for $300 each.  These adopts come as-is.
Also pls note: these are only one per person for the first 24 hours, after which you can pick up multiple if any are remaining.  


link in case image won't load: 

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.  (+ Melwyrm Info - the visuals are out of date, but it gets the general info & lore across!  If you have any questions about them, don't hesitate to ask though!!)
★$300, Paypal/USD only.
One claim per person for the first 24 hours - after 24 hours if a design is still available you may purchase a second.  Comment to claim, do not PM.
One claim number per comment - please do not try to claim multiple in one post, for example, "3, 1, or 4 please!" -- I find this slightly unfair and makes sorting claims a bit messy if multiple people happen to reply at once.
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
★Please be prepared to pay within 24 hours of your claim - if you fail to do so I may move to the next claim in line.  Once paid, sales are final.
★After payment is received, I will send over the full sized non-watermarked versions of the adopt in both shaded and flats.
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

As a small side note, I default my designs to not including breasts just because it's easier for me and my male-leaning adopts seem to be more favored -- however this in no way means my designs are always meant to be male!  Buyers are always welcome to assign whatever gender/sex they want!  ^__^/

1. Sleeping Knight
Note: this one is wearing a sort of crown, not a horn + comes with a super rough sketch of what I envision the front to look like, since it's obscured by the pose
Claimed by: Ressy

2. Oasis Scholar
Claimed by: minky

3. Velvet Envoy
Claimed by: YukiPan

4. Ironworks
Claimed by: Pharos-Chan


Oh I’m absolutely in love with number 1, but of course, all of these are absolutely adorable!!! What a wonderful job !! <3

I'm sad I missed 2 also qwq but id like to claim 4 please!

Aww, I'm sorry you missed them, too!  But hey thank you for the claim on #4!  I'll PM you in just a moment!

Maybe next time I'll be awake when you post a batch!! >w<9

And awesome!! tysm!

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Gotchu down!  Thank you so much, I'll PM you in just a moment with details! :))

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Alrighty, I've marked you down!  Tysm for the claim, and I'll shoot you a PM in just a moment! :D

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Sure thing!  Thank you so much for the claim, I'll PM you with payment info in just a moment! :D

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