Upcoming Freebie and OTA Babbels

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago by SalamanderLynn


These guys will be Part freebie Part OTA Babbel Bugs! 4,5, & 6 are rare to legendary trait Babbels, 4 being a super rare Hybrid and 6 being a legendary book Babbel. Figured I'd post the update here first for the freebies and in a couple of hours FA and DA will get the memos next.


Quick Facts:

- Babbels who can take book form can be reincarnated as long as their book form is undamaged. So Babbels who gain book form are often as old and powerful as fully grown Lapnin, just on the other side of the size spectrum.

- Babel Babies are extremely stupid and will line up to throw themselves off cliffs as a form of entertainment. This is fine as Babbel bodies are extremely squishy and this does not hurt them. Sometimes parents will throw them across the room to keep them quiet while they are working.

- Translator Babbles go through rigorous training to do their job. Often non-Babbel applicants fail out before the first test is over. //Sometimes though they do pass with the Babbels and begin their training to become Grand Translators serving; Space fleets, Magical Courts, international Customs and anywhere else a Language expert can be needed. Because Babbles call Lapnins home they often end up being sent to all sorts of places and often ride on the shoulders of anyone who needs their knowledge.

- A Babbel's Butterfly Form is actually considered ugly to them and is only used for combat and magic casting purposes.

-Babbels can Cross breed with other species like humans or other insectoids. These hybrids are often looked down on if they cannot find a purpose to their lives.

- Babbels who are born from predator species like spiders or Praying Mantis do not become translators and often live in their Butterfly hybrid forms as Guards and knights.


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