entertaining offers on almost entire TH

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by feyries

i really need my new tablet so sjdfbhjfbs money preferred over anything else, but i'll look at any other offers as well.
https://toyhou.se/rikatoola/characters/folder:all/tags:1/extagged:nft?page=1 any of the characters in this tag

feel free to comment here/on the profile, or DM


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i really love https://toyhou.se/12372069.mossy#38662845 but i totally unerstand if ur tent on them! i'd be willing to offer an art add-on ;0;

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Alright! Did you want the art add-on? 0:
If ya link a character & any specifics like pose/expression <3

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absolutely!! :D
i'll get it done asap <3

finished, & transferred the character! :D

2 Replies