Big April Update!

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago by CreamAri


It's been a while! My last update wasn't on such good terms, but here's to turning it around. No, there's no April Fool's joke in here either, I'm not too keen on the severity of the holiday. Happy Easter to you all though! I've sectioned things out so feel free to just navigate to what you're looking for in these. I'll try to condense everything into 1 bulletin a month so I don't flood your message boxes.



I just got over being sick. I know it was most-likely due to the high level of stress I've felt after losing my job but I'm feeling much better and I have plans to pursue more art in the meantime while I consider a future line of work. I'm trying to be more social in the community and I hope some earnestness shows. I love talking to people, though I'm a bit shy at first. Please, if you've ever wanted to talk to me before about anything please do so. ;_; I'd love the interaction, especially after not having regular interaction in my life with customer's I've considered family for years. The thing I miss the most from work is talking to people.


Ofc you can find me here on TH the most regularly. I check TH often... a little too often... DA and FA are checked daily. My name is the same everywhere. You can also dm me on discord: Cream#0575. I made a Curiouscat so if you have a random question about me or any of my characters please feel free to ask me. Turns out I love answering random questions. <_< You can also message me on Twitter. I'm new to the whole tweet thing, go easy on me. I promise I'll post cat pictures. Right now I just feel like a stalker/lurker there.


I have 2 active comms right now. One is almost done and in framing. The other I haven't received refs for yet. Now that I'm not sick, I'll be working much quicker. I try to get icons done in 2 days or less. If you'd like a commission, message me. I only do icons and pixels. Examples: Bam  Prices vary for what you want. Between 40$-80$ usd.

I do stream my work, lately it's just been to people on discord. Joinme doesn't stream sound, but I'll be doing a Comm and a Movie stream soon on Picarto where other people can watch. If you'd like to suggest a movie, let me know. We just did 'But I'm a Cheerleader' and 'Speak'. :D


This was something I mentioned before in my last bulletin and now I feel confident enough to take on freebies consistently. I will try to do as many as possible a month.


Osenyan Trade:

A few of you probably have seen my thread. I've been trying to get some art in exchange for the extra nyan I have since Bouswa doesn't want a closed species to pair with Lucifel. I have a few offers I'm still considering, but we also talked and were open to just doing a voucher for art. A lot of the artists Bouswa likes are on Tumblr. I'd like to get them something they want. It's explained more in This thread but please note me if you're interested. I'm more than happy to work with friends if you're wanting this design. Same goes for the other designs listed on the thread.

Osenyan Pairings:

From the beginning I wanted a Nyan to do headcannon with and I'm happy I got one that suits the personality I had in mind. I'd love to do some head cannon with people and I have some ideas for a few art pieces. Lucifel would love to make you some dolls or toys. Or if you'd love to offer up a hand and some hair for the sake of some art pieces, let me know! He'd be so happy to have your assistance with helping add to his collection. <3


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