Post characters before they're done?

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago by ElithianFox

Read the bulletin

12 Votes Yes
1 Votes No

Lots of bulletins lately!

Let's cut right to the chase: do you prefer that I first draw a character myself or find a role for them before uploading them, or do you think it's okay if I don't do this and post characters who aren't finished, don't have a role yet, and aren't drawn yet but do have a vague idea?

So what you'd be voting for in the poll:

Yes: You think it's okay if I post characters with barely an idea who they are and what they do. I haven't drawn them either, I just have a vague concept about them and that's it. Once I do have a concept, I will update their profile in your inbox. This won't mean I'll upload raw designs, I will always have some idea of who they are.

No: You prefer that I actually have an idea of who the character is that I can write about when I upload the character, and that I have drawn them. This means it might take (much, much...) longer for me to upload the actual character, but it'll be one with art and a semblance of what I want them to be.



I have character profiles I need to work on myself ,but I'm not going to hesitate uploading and giving them attention ;).

Thanks for the input! I personally also love seeing characters when they're a WIP already :D

My opinion is "do whatever you want, this is YOUR account". Why does our opinion even matter? ô_o 

I'm asking because I've seen many people complain about empty profiles and characters who are just ideas instead of actually fleshed out characters c':