About that raffle

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by Railcar

For some reason I’m too lazy to find a winner. It’s so easy and not so time consuming, but I can’t. And the amount of people who joined the raffle was demotivating cause I know just how long it’ll take to put all those names in the wheel lolol

To be fair though, i never set a specific end date. I just said it’ll close after the 19th somewhere.

If you haven’t joined the raffle yet, you still can while its open: https://toyhou.se/13093135.raffle-lol

It’ll be closed tomorrow. I’ll find a winner i swear

(Edit kind of: i just realized that i don’t actually need to use a wheel for picking the winner. I can just scroll through the comments and pick a random entry and dub it the winner. But i’m just about to sleep right after posting this. My brain cells can’t function much)


That’s why I’ve found it’s easier to type the names somewhere (like the Notes app or smth) as soon as the person comments, then just copy paste on a random name picker or smth. Idk which you use but I use this one, and I think most people do too. I don’t think stuff like wheeldecide lets you copy-paste into one place👍
Idk if you’ve found a solution yet for next time, sorry if this info is useless at this point L

Very useful edgy I was wondering what the site was called

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