selling characters to go to MFF

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by citrangedyke

id like to go to MFF this december and room/meet with a close friend of mine :, ) im going to try and save a good chunk of money for it thru paypal

i will consider offers on anyone outside of sonas but there may be a few here and there that i am tentative with , but please let me know who you are interested in and we can work outa price !


Is up for offers or still waiting to be transferred to Gayoon?

they are up for tent offers!! sorry gayoon use to be me in in 201 7 or sOMTHINGG IT WAS SO LONG AGO AND I JUS- never changed the bio i brain damage

Ah, okay! What is the price range you'd be looking for for them?

IM SO SORRY I work killed me this week i forgor to reply but HMM im honestly not too sure im kinda sentimental w/ them bc iv had them since ithink 2015 and i think i got them in a trade so im not sure how id price bu t if u want to toss a price range u r comfortable with i can consider !!

Okay, would between $50-$100 be a good range? Of course, since you've had them for so long and have sentimental feelings towards them I understand if that's too low an offer.

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TBN and pepper I'm more tent on and I wouldn't have price ranges in mind so ur free to offer any amount and I can consider !

Vae would be around 50 : 0

Sorry for the late reply I'm at work ahaha

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oh gosh would you consider selling or ? and if so for how much :3c

im a little tent with them but i can def consider!!! idk what juni's worth is off the top of my head but ur free to toss an offer but lerona is UHH im not sure either exactly i probably wouldnt accept less than 300-500 BUT ALSO I COULD IM JUST HEAD EMPTY

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HEYO! :0

tea - 150-200

camp - 30-40

frudge im unsure of how to price!

and taro is available actually SKSKS they were on hold for me / getting them back from the friend i designed them for but i just havnt edited the title bcim DUMBSORRY

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THEM!! It would be cool to find them a home together if you were interested in that yeah! I don't mind holding if it's not too long for one or the other or both : 0 Just lmk yeah!!

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also how much would u b wanting for

I CANN m aybe consider aroundish 30? MORE OR LESS

i can do 30!! my paypal is [email protected] if u wanna send an invoice!! i made the name when i was twelve lol sorry 

dflskdf MOOD THOAHAH if you can send thru to [email protected] thru friends and fam i would appreciate it ! im unable to send invoices atm because i gotta connect my new bank still but im lazy loll


thank u sm ! :> sent yumi over!

1 Replies

what r u looking 4 for if ur taking offerz :0c

I can consider!! :0 BUT im actually unsure if?? im allowed to sell since i got them thru winning a myo raffle a while back and im dont remember the rules id have to look it up BONK

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heyo! i can consider offers on both ithink im more tent with raymond atm i wouldnt have a price in mind for him but for tea ( if u mean the sap design ) i consider 150 -200 ? or a little less if that seems like t oo much! :0

i'm interested in if you'd take offers!

heyo!! gummyzilla is kinda personal to me so im unsure if id really be able to part with and they have art i havnt uploaded to th yet bc im like DUMBB ( mostly from artfight) but if you wanted your free to throw a money amount and i can think on it !