LF Vacantfields/InfectedWaters designs

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by Vexuss

I really love all their designs and I want more

If you have any for sale or know anyone who has any please let me know

I can pay with da points or paypal


Heya I know this is super late etc, but since you’re his previous owner I thought I’d let ya know! I’m now looking at offers on this lad! 🖤 https://toyhou.se/3110420.feraun

Ooo yes! Id defo be interested in getting him back. Would you be open to some usd and an oc? You can look through my th. Sonas and mains are off limits tho. Let me know if anyone interested you :)

Yeah I’ll take a gander!! What’s the most you’d be willing to offer $ wise?

It would depend on what ocs of mine you'd like then I'd just knock off the price of them. I do get paid at the end of the month tho if no one catches your fancy

Yeah I’m not seeing anyone atm ewe, I could wait if you were down for that?

Sure! How much is he atm? $200?

5 Replies