Welp while looking two more of 1st Gen Cats for a mate soo I thoughted looking 2nd + More Gen Felines and Canines a mate would good idea as well soo

Here the list of them needed one

https://toyhou.se/6497806.rosabella (Got them a Mate


https://toyhou.se/6841119.oceanus (Got them a Mate)




https://toyhou.se/7010825.adonis (Only Tomcats)


(I'll added more but just know anybody knows I only picked a mate for any of my Gen Felines and Canines of unusual, interesting or good pairs that fits them)


Hmm would Oceanus be interested in a octopus cat mate? https://toyhou.se/12669546.odessa  or hesperos a grey moon catfish https://toyhou.se/942445.moontide

Would  Roseabella be interested in a water rose horned cat? https://toyhou.se/12936031.triton or a white strawberry cat? https://toyhou.se/9769504.whiteberry 

I think that's the only cute ships I can think of with my Gen 2s. But good luck to them all I hope they get wonderful partners! 

Hmmm I'll pick moontide and Whiteberry to their mates since whiteberry is son and brother of Fresa and Fruzer and grey moon catfish with a cat with eel looking snake tail would interesting

Awe yes I think they'd be super cute too!  Do you want to make kits for one of the pairs? Or would you like me too? 

Hmm you can do them since I did the Mixie and Gingerbread's litter last time 

Ok will do 👍

Ooo can I take 2 and 3?

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