If the coding/layout of a page is not explicitly stated to be free for public usage, please refrain from copying it...!

I'm not usually fussy about what happens to my code, but if I don't distribute the code for a layout, there's a reason for it - usually that it's because I wanted to make something unique for someone, or someone asked for it for their personal use. I hope you can respect their wishes.

I would like to say that the same should go for other people's profiles. I know that it seems to be the obvious thing to do to try and emulate someone else's layout because it's nice and ownership of a layout (esp if you don't have access to the code) is really fuzzy, but please realise that you are taking the hard work and thought that someone else put into making their beloved characters' pages look pretty.

I'm aware this limits what you can do with your pages, especially if you can't code - but that's why I code free layouts. Those are free game and you're free to modify them as you like. I'm sorry if none of them fit your tastes, but I'll keep trying to make new ones - feel free to suggest if there's any kind that you'd like to see (but not in the sense of emulating someone's layout).

At the same time, thank you for using my layouts! It makes me really happy every time I'm randomly clicking around the site and find someone using something I've coded. (Wug seems really popular, I should probably update it...sorry it's so broken by now after all the site updates...)

That's all GOSH I DIDN'T PLAN TO WRITE SUCH A LONG POST...thank you for reading!!

(Crossposted to main, cy)

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