

In case the images broke

Taking 4 slots

FCFS / DM or Comment to claim

ToS https://sayremintos.carrd.co/

This time I'll work and take payment of each slot one at a time. So the next queues will be on a waiting list. (doing this so I don't overwhelm myself sorry for the inconvenience TuT🙏

Waiting list 

// = paid

1. Twitter Chanom_MMR45 (done)

2.  from DA/FB (done)

3. PM (waiting for form)

4. TheSettingSunn (hold)

Feel free to ask me if you have any questionThank you for looking!


May i be put on a waiting list? I'd love one right now but dont have the funds for a hot minute TvT

Sure thing! Also I’m still waiting for the previous queue to respond. But I can wait and skip to you if I don’t hear anything from them. (Would about 3-5 days be okay for you🥺?)