
Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by -Danny
Don’t really like telling people that they can’t do specific things with my designs because I don’t own them anymore

but these are just some people that I’m kinda uncomfy w/ owning my designs 
I’m also uncomfortable doing art for them

please don’t try and commission me for them/commission art pieces with their ocs.

@onc - personal, spreading lies / slander about me lmfao, overall just a gross person

@kittencore / @dumbasscore  / @kittencorestorage / @creqmpuffsales / This user (usernames change fairly often) - tried to justify owning and trying to sell a character based on/that basically was a furry version of an actual serial killer + very blatantly goes out of their way to disrespect other artist and designers boundaries

@L0gic - transmed / transmed supporter, transphobic, against neo-pronouns, entire profile warning is a huge red flag within itself

@mintee_ / @stabby_ / @ang3l_ - harassment, ableist, racist, fatphobic, scamming/attempted scamming, character theft

@frontier768 / @blazepaw54 / @badgershad3 - harassment, ableist, racist, fatphobic, scamming/attempted scamming, character theft making weird/sexual comments towards feral animal drawings 

@_ravenfall15_ - stated they draw/drew gay shipart of actual murderers 

@gatesofhell - scammer (agreed to pay someone 12k points for a character then proceeded to only pay 1.2k points and ghost the character’s owner).

The only circumstances where I’m semi-fine with them being sold to anyone on this list is for emergencies because your crisis is more important than me being comfortable or uncomfortable with someone owning a little animal design I made
emergencies do not include  “omg dreamie is for sale wowow!1!1!1!”


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