Melwyrm Chibi Adopts [closed]

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by Jotaku

Edit: Wow, so fast!  Thank you all so much!   


Okay I know I was supposed to do some more batryes next, however art continues to be going as slow as gd molasses for me sooooooo I'm not done with them yet.  So instead, I did up another chibi melwyrm batch for the in between.
It's not much of a preview, but here's a rough WIP for the general palette/direction of what I have for them so far:   
Not too sure when I'll get them done since I still have some other stuff I need to wrap up first, but I'll be sure to do a proper preview post when they're more complete, so keep an eye out if those are your jam! :)

Also, apologies this is getting posted at such a weird time, I just really wanted to get them up before Thanksgiving (happy turkey day btw!).  Cuttin' it to the wire, as always, tho.   


Same as last time, this is a flat sale batch for $300 each.  These adopts come as-is.
Also pls note: these are only one per person for the first 24 hours, after which you can pick up multiple if any are remaining.  


link in case image won't load:

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.  (+ Melwyrm Info - the visuals are out of date, but it gets the general info & lore across!  If you have any questions about them, don't hesitate to ask though!!)
★$300, Paypal/USD only.
One claim per person for the first 24 hours - after 24 hours if a design is still available you may purchase a second.  Comment to claim, do not PM.
One claim number per comment - please do not try to claim multiple in one post, for example, "3, 1, or 4 please!" -- I find this slightly unfair and makes sorting claims a bit messy if multiple people happen to reply at once.
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
★Please be prepared to pay within 24 hours of your claim - if you fail to do so I may move to the next claim in line.  Once paid, sales are final.
★After payment is received, I will send over the full sized non-watermarked versions of the adopt.
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

As a small side note, I default my designs to not including breasts just because it's easier for me and my male-leaning adopts seem to be more favored -- however this in no way means my designs are always meant to be male!  Buyers are always welcome to assign whatever gender/sex they want!  ^__^/

Claimed by: Lovelessism

Claimed by: CilantroCereal

Claimed by: toritsu


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Thank you so much for the claim!  I'll shoot you a PM with payment info in just a little bit! 

Claim 3!

Thank you so much for the claim, I've got you down for them!  I'll send you a PM with payment info in just a little bit! :D

claim 2

Thank you so much for the claim!  I'll PM you with payment info in just a little bit!