
Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by Nymphrasis

Hoshi ( Eevee ):

Description: Mostly quiet, reserved, and the kind of character who keeps to himself. Although does have the small tendencies to become moody and grim ( But overall chill throughout other times ). Other than that, he can be quite the creative individual. Often expressing artistically, via music and traditional art pieces. 

Role: Host

Yaketsuku ( Flareon ):

Description:. Can be very hard ass and stern, although he react such a way to protect the other headmates. He isn't very trusting towards others, often being at high alert and extremely cautious. Would even keep on his toes towards his surroundings. He has quite the short fuse, being known to be quite the hothead. Apparently he greatly despise those who talks bad or harms any of the headmates. Often reacting hostile and aggressive, as he truly see them as family. No matter what, he will show why you shouldn't mess with those he cared deeply.

Role: Protector

Dokutaro ( Vaporeon ):

Description: Quite insecure but he would keep it hidden by spewing toxicity ( Both fugitively and literally ). Despite initially becoming harsh, stoic, and temperamental towards others, it is possible for him to gradually warm up over time ( Typically sharing the tsundere trait ). This is assuming that someone has the patience and heart to deal with this particular Pokemon. He would shine and become secretly joyous, whenever he notice someone takes interests about the depths of the ocean ( As he is particularly interested about the knowledge of sea life and its histories of it ). Albeit would react in sheer disappointed if someone express the opposite, such as fear or anger about his interest.

Role: Perpetrator

Shion ( Jolteon ):

Description:. A very loveable goofball. Can be incredibly sociable and playful, expressing sheer happiness about the general of life and others. He is, however, rather messy. Often seen with unkempt fur and commonly covered in mud. To him, sharing is caring. Even if he is the one who mostly shares, rather than the other person sharing with him. He never expects anything in return, as he genuinely only wants someone to be smile or even express happiness. Nothing else.

Role:. Companion & Frijōn

Shinichiro ( Espeon ): 

Description: A parental figure who is deeply sweet and kind. Often caring for all of the headmates wellbeing, both mentally and physically. Shinichiro is the calm and collective type. Rarely ever breaking out of character, whether they are in the face of negativity or danger. They are the kind who can take it, no matter what it is. Although this may also be that they're a quick thinker and can deal with situations as soon as humanly possible. Shinichiro is always around to help other headmates. However, they don't front as often as others, due to focusing the care of other headmates over taking the role.

Role: Caretaker

Tetsuo ( Umbreon ):

Description:. Seemingly depressed, constantly drained, and even a little too crazy in the head. Even the kind to hoard things. He takes the brunt end of the stick, moreso mentally. Although, he greatly hates it when others pitied him, only when finding out that he carry through the trauma. Tetsuo would react in great disgust and would only lash out, as he truly doesn't want anyone to give him pity. He seems to be particular ok with the looming assumptions that he is or could be a potential murderer. This is due to taking away any unwanted attention ( Where others would back away from him, either from fear or caution ). Never have he ever actually killed someone before. But genuinely doesn't mind making someone think that he did, just for the sake of pushing them away. 

While he tolerates other headmates, he mostly keeps his distance to himself. He doesnt dislike, nor hate them. Preferably he just wants to be in his own space, without others bothering him. Only exception to this is Shinichiro, as they are the only one he opens up to. Even cried to their shoulders. 

Role: Trauma Holder

Hideki ( Leafeon ):

Description: A very timid and skittish Leafeon, expressing nervousness a lot of the time. He would often distribute introversion traits. They are in near constant fear, often being afraid of a lot of things. This is due to being a heavy worry wart, seeing only negative outcomes. The only thing they feel at most comfort is remaining at home, as it felt the safest to them. They seem to particularly like to loom around Yukihiko and Yaketsuku.

Role: Worrier

Yukihiko ( Glaceon ):

Description: He is quite the quiet and religious type. Although, while he is religious, he does however respect other religions and differing opinions to his own ( If you aren't particularly interested in his religion or show distaste to it, he would accept it. Yukihiko already knows that not everyone share the same opinion to his own. So he doesn't really mind if someone disagrees with him ). Rarely do they ever become responsive, vocally. Although, when he does speak, it tends to either be in short sentences, become very expressive facially ( This includes paw movements and posture changes to match the expression ), or even both. He particularly loves cute things and would wholeheartedly show their love for said cute thing. A great example would be him letting out a low, audible squeal and eyes sparkle when he sees a small, derpy lookin' plush.

Role: Internal Self Helper

Shizuka ( Sylveon ):

Description: Known as the edgy, lonewolf. Can be a little sarcastic as well. Rarely does he every express any form of interest to create a bond with someday. If he does, then congrats, that person is one of the lucky ones. Their attitude can be pretty cold and have a emotionless demeanor. Never once has anyone caught him with an actually expression plastered onto his face

Role: Lonewolf


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