Offer on anyone in my TH

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by GrassEater

Yeeeah, I just want to fer rid of some of the charas, so my whole TH is ufo except for the following charas: Lover, Butters, everyone in Main Sona tag I'll be taking mostly any kind of currency and trades/art


Is this still open? 

Yep! Always ^^

Sweet just wanted to make sure ^^ 

I love this baby here

Anything in both my accounts for him? Only in the unsorted 

Accept arlios (he's going to be pending soon)

I didn’t saw anyone i’d use on the second account, and I can’t see the first one :<c

What do you mean you can't see the first one what did it say so I can fix it lol

Oh! Well, I can’t see the content since I’m 17, and it’s only for +18 people ^^”

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Trades, tho I’m a bit picky ^^

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They don’t really have a worth, but I could look at money offers with addons, as I don’t want to sell them

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