lf: friendships with Akuma!

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by Akuma SpringSprouts

Akuma is going to be my first suit, when I et the materials that are, and he currently has no friends or any links

He is a bi, poly, demiromantic little shit
For friends, either opposites or edgy, opposites because he loves friends, but doesn't show it a lot, which would make for good interactions. And edgy for chilling with him!

I'm more likely to accept friendships if the character is going to get/has a fursuit, because it'd be relieving for me to fursuit at cons, meets, etc. And t would slow my anxiety at cons... Plus it'd be fun to see online friends and meet them in a fursuit!

Comment please :)


OMG 💖💖😭💖 YES-. Pepper is definitely getting a fursuit in the FURUTRW', but right now I'm making a bodysuit for either Casanova or Pepper ^^ can't decide lmao 💖😭 but either of them are good for any friendships or relationships uwu 

both could be his frens :D

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