The Picture - Short Scary Story

Posted 8 years, 7 months ago by GreenTeaKittie

      Lucas always hated that picture, it haunted him in a way he couldn’t describe. One day when he couldn’t bare the burning eyes anymore he ripped the picture from the wall, once he took it down there was utter darkness. Curious he leaned in to investigate it. What waited for him wasn’t what he expected at all. Sitting in the darkness holding a candle was the same clown from the picture. His smile was full of sharp, jagged teeth and his clothes were stained with blood. The clown started walking towards Lucas, terrified he fled but the exit was gone. He was trapped with a mad clown. He frantically searched for an exit, any exit but found none. It seemed like every time he looked behind him the clown got closer and closer. He turned around to see something more terrifying than anything he had seen in his entire life. He saw his mother being murdered by the clown. He sank down to his knees and started crying so hard his lungs hurt. The clown seeing this started towards him with his bloody knife, ready for another kill. Lucas was so hurt and sad knowing that his last family member was now dead, he was officially an orphan. He still knew he had to survive, for his mother. He got up and ran away again to search for a sign of life or light. The clown kept following him, waiting for him to slow down of exhaustion to make his move. He kept searching until he finally gave up, he slumped down to rest; unaware of the creature lurking behind him. This was the clown’s chance to make the final kill.


          As Lucas went over what had happened that day a shower appeared out of nowhere. He got up and walked towards it; curious about what it was doing here. As he got closer a bathroom took place. A toilet, a sink, a floor, a mirror, and a shower. He peeked into the mirror to see what he looked like. What he found made him jump back in terror, he had turned into the clown. He needed to get it all off so he opened the shower curtain to find his dismembered mother. Her blood scattered everywhere along with her limbs strewn about he fell, horrified. He backed away, searching for an exit, a door! But found none. He was trapped here. He searched for something, anything to set him free. He started to hear a heartbeat. As each second passed it grew louder, and louder, and louder, until it grew so loud it was the only thing he heard. He wanted it to stop so he paced back and forth, back and forth. Screaming to hear something other than the heartbeat.


         Lucas awoke with a start. He touched his face; he was still a clown. He got up to see his surroundings again. “He must’ve fallen asleep when he was on his break.” he heard someone whisper. “Maybe too much excitement and nightmares for ‘im.” he heard another one. This one sounded more scruffy than the first one. He slowly crept from where he was to look at the strange men. They were tall, hairy, and beefy. The first one was taller and skinny with small eyes. He was wearing a white button up shirt and dark jeans with boots. The second one was wearing a plaid button up with ragged jeans, and worn down cowboy boots and a hat. They were both covered in cuts and bruises. Lucas looked up. He saw a sign spelling ‘13th Annual Clown Rodeo.’ So he was the clown or one of the clowns for the rodeo he assumed. He walked out to go and greet the men. The men looked at him and then they smiled. “So you’re finally up are ye?” the scruffy one asked. “Yea, who are you people?” Lucas asked. The scruffy one grunted. “I’m Joe, and this is Chang.” he told Lucas. “Okay, where am I exactly?” he asked. “You’re at your station young ‘un.” A station? Lucas thought. “You’re about to go on so better get out there.” Chang said. “O-okay.” Lucas stammered. He didn’t like doing things in front of people so he hoped he didn’t mess anything up.


         After the performance was over Lucas’ heart was throbbing harder than ever before in his life. He had messed up so bad people started throwing anything they could at him. He had tomato paste all over him along with pieces of popcorn, candies, and tissues. He started to only hear his heartbeat again. It was getting louder and louder. He sat down and tried to block it out but he couldn’t. Memories started flooding back into his mind as fast as the wind if not faster. He got up and started running, and running as fast as he could to get away from the pain and the torture. Faster, louder, the heartbeat got until he finally went insane. All alone in the world.


The End.



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