Regarding my CSS ( +Interest check )

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by Luckyee

Yeah or Nah?

3 Votes Yeah, it's fine, just add a lot to it first and use both on-site and off-site refs.
1 Votes Nah, don't reference TH references. Use off-site refs instead!
0 Votes Other / I'd like to clarify. ( Comments )

 Hi everybody! As you may have noticed, my CSS has been out for a while due to no longer having premium. I assume the CSS is still available for usage, but there is no way to see it functioning without applying it yourself. I apologize for the extra step! At the moment I haven't been using as often, and even the one thing I have been working on at school is HTML. I'm trying to figure out a good way of mixing HTML and CSS together into a code, but I've been doing it in my free time and haven't even worked on it in 1-2 weeks anyway.

 Basically, I do love coding and I hope to get some stuff out sooner or later, but due to me not outputting code at the rate that I normally do, I'm choosing not to renew my premium until further notice. Just letting you guys know so that it doesn't seem like I've completely abandoned you guys, I just haven't been up to coding lately. CSS should still work as intended, you'll just need to use it to preview it rather than seeing it on the page.

Hope you guys have been having a happy few months, as well as a happy holidays! You're all great, you're all amazing, and I hope to keep giving out freebies in the future.

Speaking of freebies, as a side note: 

 How much effort do you think should go into a code for it to constitute paying money for it/being P2U? Currently I still reference a lot of in-TH references from other creators, and I don't see any problem with using other site's resources since they're generally meant for learning how to code/usage as a general reference anyway.
 My biggest concern is the references here on TH, even if they're just basic html code. Do you think that using those references and selling the finished code (having been built off of them, not exclusively using those references) is taboo? Or is it okay to sell codes that way?

 Hopefully I worded that right. I don't intend to just slap together a code and call it a day, is what I'm saying. But sometimes having the references exclusive to is nice since they may include the names of CSS classes and the like. 

 And to clarify on references, I don't mean referencing themes by other coders. I mean using pages from TH meant for bare-bones html reference.

 Some of these codes would be exclusively HTML, others would be a mix of both HTML and CSS, but I don't feel comfortable directly selling CSS on it's own as of yet.

 Let me know your thoughts via. the poll or through the comments! Comments tend to be a lot more in-depth, but I appreciate any feedback whatsoever. Thank you guys so much! /gen


I think it's fine to use references. I'm by no means an expert coder so I always have to look up how to do certain things. In my opinion, it would only become an issue if you copied whole chunks of text and used the same layout/appearance without permission from the OP.

That's about what I was thinking, too! I think the best option (having consulted my parents about this too), is to leave attributions in the code whenever possible via. a key of symbols/letters that explain which one is attributed to which creator, and inserting them whenever code is referenced.

By no means do I intend to completely copy chunks of code, though, it's more of a measure to ensure people are credited!