New name! (not username)

Posted 6 years, 4 days ago by cilphy

Hi!! This isn't a username change, so no running around to re-credit me. So, I've been thinking about this a lot and was on the fence for some time.

Instead of Puppy, I'd like to be called Izumi from now on /o/ (or Izu for short if you want??) I've been wanting to be more seen as my persona here: who is pretty much supposed to look and be exactly like me. It makes me feel more confident. 

It's strange cause I've been Puppy for 10+ years and have never considered changing it cause I liked it. But slowly, I'm moving on from the male persona I had and am feeling less connected to him. He's still gonna be around and be another persona, but he's stopped being my main one. And of course, I'm still a dog <:3 I kinda see my dog sona as its own silly thing tbh

But again, please call me Izumi from now on! I'd appreciate it. And anyone can, you don't have to be my friend or ask permission.


Izumi is a beautiful name and it suits you! <3 

Waahh thank you mari ;-;

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Ahh thank you TvT I'm glad people are kind concerning these kinds of changes.

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YEAH I GOT YOU!! Both discord or twitter can get ridiculous with names lmfaooo

and yes, now it won't be weird to tell people about me <:3

Izumi Izumi Izumi Izumi IzumiIzumiIZUMIALFKGSLA 💕♥️♥️👌👌

eggye geyggy eegy eggy geggyegyegy

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It's alright, I appreciate at least trying! I've definitely become fond of the name nvn

Mentally noted! ♥

I've actually been going through a bit of a username and nickname crisis for a while myself, so I'm probably going to end up doing something similar lol.. Changes like that can be hard, but most often it seems like it's for the best - especially if you've been feeling pulled toward it for a while. ;w;b

Thank you! Yeah, I was going back and forth on whether I wanted to do this cause it would just be simpler to keep what I've always had, but it just felt better?? It's still weird to do for me, but hoping this will make me more used to the change ; ; I hope you can find something you're happy with though!

Whelp, I finally went through with my username change too...and tbh I couldn't be happier?? I feel so much more alive and free just from doing that one simple thing omg. I hope yours is still working well for you too!! ♥

Aww I'm glad you finally did it! As long as you're happy. So would you be called spice or mallow? O: But I've been enjoying my new name for sure!!

I actually hadn't given it much thought tbh.. I feel like either one is fitting, so I'd say it's up to the individual!