Vulixies Species Information

Posted 6 years, 2 days ago by vulixies

Last updated: 6/15/18
Contributors: hen-tie niku dooli

As human life began to flourish the earth, many began to wonder about the purpose of life outside primitive survival.

What is my purpose? Why do I struggle to live? What happens after death?

Many theories were made; however, the idea of a superior being ruling above all human life very quickly latched and integrated into the daily lives of the people. They began to pray and worship fervently across the earth, laying all their concerns and blind faith into this man-made belief. Soon, the culmination of the people's wishes and desires weaved together to bring forth the birth of “The GateKeeper”, a single being whose purpose was to create life and herd their people. Throughout the years, The GateKeeper's appearance changed often according to the whims of their believers. From a man, woman, animal, and even landforms; The GateKeeper could take on all forms and it’s presence enveloped the earth. It seemed as if the people's faith would never die and by extension The GateKeeper as well.

Naturally, as the people grew wiser and civilizations grew, time was allowed for activities not tied to survival. Additionally, many people took it upon themselves to push for new scientific explanations for their purpose and origin. The people’s faith faltered.

Sensing the drastic change and diversity in mindset of their people, The GateKeeper’s fleeting powers dwindled. To preserve their existence they began to break their body piece by piece into hundreds and thousands of tiny fragments and spread them all over the earth—one shard for each clan of people who still believed in an almighty being. With prayers, new gods are born from these shards.

No longer did the world need The GateKeeper. It was the beginning of a new era.





Like a seed, the fragments that were spread across the world sprung forth new entities to replace The Gatekeeper. These beings born from these fragments were revered as gods and deities by the people, adopting the title “Vulixie“ to complement their fox-like appearance. Their sole purpose in life is to revive the legacy of the original GateKeeper, gathering believers, helping the earth as well as its people flourish. However, some Vulixies had other interests in mind, aiming to absorb weaker fragments for power until only one is left.

Just like how humans have evolved, Vulixies have too. It became a struggle to become the new GateKeeper, so they began forming larger factions to increase their strength and preservation. Perhaps the behavior of the humans who worship them had begun to rub off on them…




The winged ringlets can be found on any part of the body of a Vulixie. It is a symbol of their power and ties them to the Earth. The moment they lose all their believers, their bracelet shatters as well as the shard that is their core. Additionally, the higher the number of worshipers, the greater their power and territory.



Represents the 6 elements: Lumiere, Umbra, Gaia, Ventus, Inferno, and Azure.  These markings can be found on the necks of every Vulixie. How they were decided is unknown, but Vulixies with the same elements are more likely to team up while the opposite can be said for different elements. Vulixies with elements that are direct opposites of each other also tend to be a lot more hostile towards each other. Lumiere vs Umbra would be a good example of that.  Other combinations like lumiere and gaia are less likely to create a hostile impression. Crests can also be of any color.



The very existence of Vulixies are reliant or kept afloat upon the prayers and offerings of their believers. Due to this their ears, hair, and tails took on wing-like properties to represent this relationship.


Trinity Eye

When Vulixie use their powers, one of their eyes become tri-colored as an effect of the spiritual power coursing throughout their bodies. Incredibly strong Vulixie sometimes find that both their eyes turn tri-colored; however, this is an anomaly.





Each Vulixie has a territory of their own which expands or shrinks depending on the amount of offerings and prayers. Vulixie who fight within their own territory also enjoy certain perks such as enhanced strength, speed, and spiritual power. Territories of multiple Vulixies can also be combined into one, benefitting all their members. As such, it is advantageous to join factions and fight within your own territory, but because of this many Vulixies seldom try to invade another territory solo.


The power from believers or worshippers follows the rule of quality over quantity. A single fervent worshipper will provide equal or slightly more power than 3 believers with a rather shallow faith.



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