Design TOS

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by Snowy_Briggs

My friend reminded me that I should probably have one of these lol

-You are allowed to edit the designs/art all you want, just remember to credit me! 

-you are allowed to make my designs into CS! You don't need my permission! Just let me know so I can see them 👀 

-Do not use my designs to create hateful art. 

-Please do not trade my designs to people on my blacklist. If this happens by accident please let me know. You won't be in trouble! (this does not include my redesigns. Please respect the original designers blacklists. Mine is irrelevant) 

- Do not resell my designs on amino.

-Customer does not hold the right to use the product in any blockchain-related technology, including NFTs, cryptocurrency, or future inventions in the space. (Thank you zero for this 🙏)

-This is not explicitly unallowed however I would prefer you not upsell my designs. In the case of certain cs designs, because you have made it a part of a cs and that holds value, you may sell the design for more than you purchased it for. However for non cs designs I would prefer they only be sold for the value you put in (example: commissioned artwork, personal artwork, writing, 3d models)

This is subject to change or additions if I think of things 


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