Random psa

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by zumbuddy

Idk why but I'm mad about this again for no reason so!! (Un)friendly reminder that transgender identities dont exist on a binary. Transfeminine and transmasculine are not the only options!! Transneutral exists too and to assume that all afab enbies are transmasc and all amab enbies are transfem is just blatant erasure and shows that you only really see enbies as diet binary trans. Nonbinary identities don't exist in a way that can be comprehensible on a binary and if you cant comprehend that then kindly get off my profile since my identity is so complex to explain it in binary terms is a literal nightmare


Also disclaimer no I dont hate you if you didnt know about transneutral and no this isnt directed towards anyone in particular I've just seen this a few times across the internet and I'm in a bad mood