moving purge [open indefinitely]

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by zumbuddy

Since I'm moving accounts I kinda wanna get stuff cleaned out asap so just gonna do a major purge

All places you can offer:,questioning (very tentatively)

If you want to try your luck you can offer on but don't expect a yes, please ;;


I am fairly picky with customs and art do not take it personally


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I think I remember who you are.. I didn't see anyone in your toyhouse I think I would use. Do you have more art/custom examples? I am mainly interested in pink bunny/angel designs and most of my characters reflect that so if that isn't possible in your style I understand. I don't really wanna trade frootie/kandi but I can take offers on sbupp and elijah

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sbupp i got for free i think.. i'll just send them to you

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ive been existing lol, wouldn't say ive been good but i appreciate the concern.

2 Replies

wahh im super late but  if u still check here i would luv to offer on ! if u have a points range i would be down to do points for them or art/traade ?? / 2chan or i cld do a a fullbody ; 0 (or 2 pixels if u prefer pixels)

im so sorry i havent checked this account in forever lol.. I love your fullbodies though if you're still interested? if you are I'd like it if you drew please, any outfit you'd prefer ^_^

omg yeah i can draw them what a cool design!!!

Hey, no rush at all but I just wanted to check up on this, how is this going? ^^

omg crap i  totally forgot x_x i accidentally cleared my inbox so thank u for reminding me aaawawhh i can probably have it done this week : 3 hihi i hope this looks ok >.< also gonna send to u on dA just in case ur more active there

Sent the character, it's not letting me see the image though... idk why 

EDIT: nvm! It was just a problem w being on mobile I got the images

1 Replies

Heya! there are a few beans that really caught my eye! I can offer anyone here, customs (examples), and/or art (most consistent examples on my insta)

the beans I'm interested in are:

*I never offer anything below a fullbody for art, if you choose art I could do a couple fulls for each character you accept it for but we can discuss this if needed!

Your customs are really cute! However, nasu and sweetie are puppybugs who have 0 intrinsic value, the creator of the species and i have an agreement where i am able to make free myos but they don't have any inherent value so i cannot take things for them. I'm still fairly attached to nasu, but I will send over sweetie for free ^^ I got nn for 700 points and basil in a trade, so just let me know how many customs you feel is an acceptable amount for that price ^_^ (also if you get basil i'd appreciate if you changed the name ^^)

ah oki! thank you! and I totally understand about nasu :3

I could do 2 or 3 customs for both of them! and I was planning on changing the name since I already have an oc with the name basil so that does work out anyway lol

cool! could you make customs based off of and ? i'd like them to be anthro bunnies, if making clothes would be too difficult dont worry about it ^^

of course! I'll get started right away! 

oki! I sent them both over! I hope you like them, but let me know if you want anything changed :D

Oh sorry! I dont check this account enough ^^; sent over nn, ill get on my alt and send the other one now!

1 Replies

I really like and !! 

I can offer anyone from here!

I can also offer art ( headshots, icons, busts, etc. ) 

(needed to fix comment since I sent too early!) Sure! :D where do you want me to transfer em? 

ill quickly dm you my private account ^^

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I can do 2 fullbodies for them!! I'll dm you with keys gimme juust a sec

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i could do a custom for them ! Front and back fur pattern  with clothes 

I can accept that yeah!! Would you mind making an angel bunny based off of ?

I can do that !!^^

Hey, I just wanna quickly check up on how this is going ^_^ no pressure at all, just a reminder!

Oh yeah I am going to send it over tomorrow!!

Hi sorry to bother you again but since you said it was going to have been sent 5 days ago I'm just checking up on that ^^ it's really fine if you need more time, just tell me that please (not mad)

I am really sorry I just sent over the character , I wasn’t doing well mentally and I should have told u I’m sorry about that /gen

I really love

Anyone from these places interest you? (probably won’t find much here, I’ve been meaning to restock it)

I didnt see anyone sorry ;;

hi i decided i'd probably give them away for free anyways so i transferred them over i hope u enjoy ^^


oh i can offer anyone that isnt a sona/primary and/or a couple customs if you like ^.^

hi sorry to pester you but just wanna check up on this to make sure you haven't forgotten ^^ are you still interested in doing the customs for these two?

OH YEAH I AM i just forgot about this lol ... i can totally do them lataer :>

I can take 2 customs for both!! Same theming as seen as per usual aha, take your time ^^