listen my new meds got me confident do not fuck with me.

Anyways since trag can’t make a call out post here’s mine ! The entire situation. In one document. I am in pain. If you could spread this around that’d be lovely

This is on @trag and @/dynofwe

Have fun

also on the misgendering part I did not mean to misgender moon. Their discord said any pronouns and their Twitter { unlike what they said } does not have their pronouns on it. Which yea I got screenshot off. I apologize none the less but I would rather they not use that as a point against me -.-‘


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I don't have that context but they left out context and many other things. Like what Moon did. Or the fact moon contacted us after, or the fact we could not handle this privately as I was blocked on almost everything they knew to block me on.

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They didn't contact us privately to even ask about tracing and I was blocked on almost everything and now currently am blocked so I doubt they actually will speak to us ^^' And I cannot delete the account as its to give the impression to my family I have an account online somewhere. You still shouldn't post an account to your followers saying this person traces and is a bad person because people might actually come after me using that dead name. Its a shitty thing to do and hasn't been changed. And theres the fact Kit is still a child and only turned 17 this October. I am exactly 2 years older than moon which isn't that far off in age. I wish they would stop playing the almost an adult and a child card because they're as much of a child as I am.

They also never covered moon started this shit in the first place by lying and the said they never said I traced when the BL said it was blatant tracing.

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Aaa thank you, and thank you for looking to both sides in this situation <33 I hope it gets resolved as well as it's rather stressful ^^'

Hey ! I also found more where moon lied where trag didn’t point it out if you wanna look at that as well ^^ it’s at the end of the doc, as well as moons ‘public apology’ to me

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