2022: Characters Set to Authorized Only

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by Nanaiko

Hello everyone!
Due to everything that has happened these past few months in the art world because of NFTs, I have decided to set all of my characters to Authorized only.

I do not support NFTs nor do I wish to be involved with them in any way.
I also do not want my characters, my artworks and the artworks from the artists I've commissioned to be illegally sold as NFTs.

Therefore, if you want to be Authorized to be able to see my characters for whatever reason (commissioning purposes, trades, etc.) just let me know in the comments!
Plenty of you are already Authorized so this might not be that much of a change. But in case you're not, just comment below!


// rant

I believe that if people have enough money to dump on a planet-murderer receipt of an ugly ass pixelated monkey with a cigarette on its mouth, generated by a god damn picrew, then they could easily invest 1% of that wasted money 
actual artists whose art does NOT harm the environment or maybe, you know, donate some of that money to charities and organizations that ACTUALLY help save the planet instead of destroying it.
Sure sounds better than sinking thousands of $ in a god damn piece of paper saying you own the ugly ass .jpg I just screenshoted. Uh, how's that? Just a thought.

If you're one of these morons that supports NFTs and can't stop saying that "iT'S tHe fUTurE" or "iT aCTuaLly hElPs aRTiSts" then please unfollow and block me; I shall do the same.

// rant over


hii, can i be authed? i remember that i really enjoyed looking at ur characters ;u;

Awwwww yes you can dear!! Thank you for showing interest in my babies ❤️❤️ Please dont mind the mess around the folders and profiles, it's all a WIP ahaha XF


Oh sh*t, never mind, you already have.



o3o i wish to be authorized fairy godmother!

whata- you're already authorized! xD

i want to be even more authorized >:D