Woo vent bcz i'm saad

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by RawCherryCake

Man i've been thinking a lot about a friend lately ajdbjs

They stopped talking to me a while ago but it still hits hard in the feels

I mean- i really do understand why they stopped talking to me, what i don't understand is how can they be so alright without me? I'm not trying to be selfish or anything like it's just

We spent a lot of time together and we had a lot in common but when they turned 18 they said they didn't want to get me in trouble and i understand that, but it's kinda uppseting when they don't answer my messages (bcz i've really meaning to ask if they wanted to kept our characters shipped or not) and even when i try to offer for their sfw ota characters  as just a costumer they would ignore me

Sigh still i can't really be mad at them i just- feel lonely ig

They were a really big part about my life and now that they're gone there's just a big piece of blank space in it

Maybe i'm just being emotional, i've been going for a quite hard time since vacations started and i'm just really, really fucking tired


I agree with Hyena! They weren't truly a good friend if they left you simply because they were an adult, it sounds like a petty excuse to me honestly. The only time they'd get introuble is if yeah they perused anything more than a friendship or did anything illegal (obvi). They weren't a true friend if they left you like that :') And again I agree with Hyena you're better off without them! <3 If you ever need to talk to someone I'm always a dm away! 

Man thanks you two it rlly helps ;;; yeah i guess so- been trynna move on real hard sjjdhsjs but ig it's easier with friends at my side

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