Thoughts on art

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by Kuruna

Making a bulletin for the first time since my bday in early November ๐Ÿ’” anywaysย 

I've been having a lot of thoughts about art lately ๐Ÿ’– I took what felt like a year long break from it, I think I stopped drawing almost all together until late 2020. This is partly cuz I switched to a new art program and of course had to actually use it to try it out, but..... I'll admit that a certain pompous former king and his bovine companion are a huge reason why I was able to exit that funk I was in ๐Ÿ’” I'm not someone to draw a lot of fanart or make fan content of any kind really but for months and months and months they were all I could draw, but it was an improvement from not drawing at all. Sometimes a break from the norm can do you good!ย 

I also realized that my art style itself at the time was just making me miserable... It was somewhat more realistic irt proportions, and while I love to look at styles like that, it's not the kind of style I can draw in myself bc everything just starts to look bad to me after awhile. I actually went back to old sketchbooks from middle school and highschool for ideas and inspiration... I've been using the air brush tool again bc I think it's so much fun to use! It was something I stopped doing cuz I knew ppl considered it unprofessional, but I think it looks great. I also just sort of went back to some of my first interests, which was a lot of 90s fantasy anime (and some harem stuff unfortunately ๐Ÿ’”)ย 

Getting into Hades Game also rekindled my interest in history and mythology, so I'm reading for fun more than I have in years too. At the moment I'm (very slowly!) reading the Iliad as well as Aspects of Death in Early Greek Art and Poetry which has been rly fascinating and has a lot of things I would love to incorporate into my own works. Doing actual research for my world building has been really fun, the world and is so vast and wonderful and there's so many things to look at and draw inspiration from... I don't really know where I'm going with this all ๐Ÿ˜ญ but basically I think I've improved my relationship with art lately... I hope I can continue to do so into 2022.


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