Why make this post?

i love to explain myself :3 also i feel like some people might be curious as to how I organize stuff! and if no one was, then maybe the existence of this post piqued some of your guys's interests ^^


classic: (Mostly) older designs by me, that I'm very attached to and are basically never leaving me. If I do ever become disattached from them, they'd likely go to one of my friends (most of these guys's lore is heavily entwined with lore from my friends' ocs). The only way these guys would ever be up for public offer is if I'm for some reason excised from our friend group, which is... incredibly unlikely, considering how long we've all been friends :P You're still allowed to put OCs from this tag into your dreamies folder, just keep this in mind!

uft: Self-explanatory; OCs that are currently up for trade or sale!

possibly: Tag for OCs in my Secondary folder; these OCs may be offered on, as long as you're offering a character from my dreamies! Keep in mind, if offering, that not every character from my dreamies is an autoaccept for anyone in this tag!

trade only: Self-explanatory; characters that are not allowed (either currently, or ever) to be resold! Not every character in this tag is necessarily up for trade.

nft: Closed Species characters that I am not actively looking to part with. Mainly used for extagging, and a relic from when I used to be a lot more into closed species than I am now. Just because a character isn't tagged with this doesn't necessarily mean I'd be willing to part with them; this tag is only used in the Closed Species folder.

achieved dreamie: Any character that was at one point in my dreamies folder that I have managed to acquire!

mega tent: Characters from my Inactive folder that I am incredibly tentative on; moreso than other characters in that folder. Mainly used for extagging; I get tired of linking my inactive folder and saying "anyone from here, except [x] [y] or [z]?"

ACHIEVED OMEGADREAMIE: Any character that was at one point in my omegadreamies folder that I have managed to acquire! Almost definitely never leaving me; only slightly looser than the classic tag.

- any other tag: Any tag not listed above is likely used exclusively for advertising, so that the characters are more easily findable through trade listing searches. Also used to convey information about the character that I feel might be useful to know, but that doesn't really have a place elsewhere; for example, the tag kinsona on Livid.

Favorites Folders

Dreamies: Characters that I'd like to own at some point, or generally represent the sort of designs I like! I'm not actively going to chase after owning them, but if I see one is up for trade I'll definitely give it an offer if I can. If your OC is on here, and you would like it not to be, feel free to let me know! I don't mind removing characters from here :3 I generally keep this pretty up-to-date; I go through it whenever the fancy strikes me to clear out designs I no longer think I would use, or don't like as much as when I first saw them. These characters are an instant auto-accept for any character from my Trade folders, my Inactive folder extagged Mega Tent, or my Closed Species tag extagged nft.

Omegadreamies: Characters that I'd give up almost anything I could spare to own, or represent the pinnacle of my taste in designs. While I won't actively ask the owners about trading them or anything, I will check the non-FH ones every so often to see if they've gone UFT. (Yes, I'm still upset that l/pisv/lpes robot dog patreon design never got raffled off. Don't @ me. /lh) These are the types of characters that I know exactly what I'd do with them if I got them, either from a standpoint of "there's a spot in a story reserved for this guy, or they're cool enough that they don't even need a story for me to draw them a whole bunch." These characters are an auto accept for anyone in my TH outside of sonas or mains, or maybe some nft characters from Closed Species. Potentially even multiples, depending on what characters you'd like.

Good dudes I made: Just some good dudes I made, innit? These are the designs that I feel are the most HQ, well-made, high-effort designs out of anything I've made. Generally linked as custom examples.

Magna Opera: My absolute best work; maybe not in objective or even subjective quality, but in how much I like them. These are the designs that I fell in love with as soon as I made them, that have been seasoned through repeated drawing like a cast iron skillet; even the ones without much art, I'm just so enamored with how they came out that even if I don't want the character and wouldn't use them, I think about them often enough and love them enough that I would be remiss to put them anywhere else. This has priority over Good dudes I made and Dreamies; if a character could fit in either one of those as well as this folder, it will go in this one. If you own a character from here, I'd probably love to do some gift art if I haven't drawn them in a while; feel free to shoot me a PM :3

Codes: Profile codes that either I'd like to use someday, that I have used in the past, or that I just plain think are neat :3


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