
Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by Old-Orie

I've decided to just create one bulletin for all the "news" I post here. I'm not really big on journals/bulletins as I don't ever have much to say so I figure one bulletin will be enough; and that's if I remember to even update it at times lol.

[July 23, 2018] So to begin I'm actually excited and hyped with the fact that Toyhou.se has decided to add the literature features. It's been so long since I've actually written anything that I feel this will be a good push in the direction of writing once more. With that being said I'm excited to say that Toyhou.se is steadily becoming my first home on the internet over deviantART. Granted I'm still active over there just not as much as it's geared more towards art than literature. But even with that, I plan to start outlining many of my characters, and their headcanon world, in order to tie everyone together and explain more of their lives in more than just the little blurbs I'm steadily adding to their profiles on here. Last note: I've had a small surgery today and my arm is absolutely killing me; so I'll be a little slow with writing but things are slowly coming together--since I have the week off from work to recover. Hope everyone is having a good Monday!!

[July 25, 2018] I figured I'd give another little update around here; since this style of updating one bulletin tends to work more in my favor of remembering its actually here. Anyway, the surgery I had Monday has been coming along swimmingly! I was able to remove the bandage yesterday and tomorrow I'll be able to remove the dressing and let it heal the rest of the way. I'm so happy as my arm has been hurting way less and allowing me to work more on my Toyhou.se page and deviantART page. I'm slowly getting everything caught up on both sites; but with that being said I'm gearing more towards here on Toyhou.se because I haven't given this place much "love" so to speak since all the updates. So currently between my front page and working on all the blurp bio profiles for my characters on here, I'm getting back in the swing of things.

[August 2, 2018] I've been working for a while now on a head-cannon world for my characters; and I do mean ALL of them. I have been battling the idea for several long years now but here recently I have found the peace needed in order to compile all my ideas into a solid working world. The Vaele, pronounced "Veil," is that very world. With that being said, I've been slowly working on details such as lore, maps, and such for the world itself. Currently I'm ironing out lore details and revamping the map a little before going on ahead with the rest of  the world and how the characters all come together in such a world. I'm hoping within the next couple of days, or weeks if need be, to have the lore and map ironed out completely.

[August 7, 2018] Lately I've been battling at lot with balancing work and the two worlds "The Vaele" and "Fated Encounters" aka "Fiora Region." I've decided for now that the majority of these characters are going to be hidden in my little "Quiet Place," until I have time to sit down and work out details for everything. As of now any characters in my "♥Mains♥" folder is basically all that will remain visible for now to the public. Those that remain visible will be those I work on fleshing out as characters. I do hope this doesn't bother anyone, but right now it's more important for me to work on balancing and having the creativity needed to work on my worlds versus pleasing everyone. Thank you all for your patience and the support!!! ♥

[August 18, 2018] Eh, it's been a little while since I've updated this message board. But I guess so far things have been going pretty good. I finally found a way to organize my characters and it's been a blessing for me. I'm trying to be more active in one ARPG: ThoseWhoWentMissing, and working on my Esk, Liet's story and world. While also slowly working through my characters here to flesh them out. That's about all I have for now.

[August 22, 2018] The heck with it! All of my characters are back on this account; at least the ones I will be using for main, active characters and for story purposes. But in GREATER news, I finally found my writing muse once more. This has truly been exciting for me as I haven't written any stories, poems, or otherwise in a very long time. I am grateful to have my muse back for story-telling!!!

[September 3, 2018] Things have been rocky lately but everything is working out once more and I'm better than ever~♥ But with everything on here I've decided to redo my bio pages again especially if the characters are "llifemates" and have found a profile bio that will work with both in one profile versus them in two separate character profiles. So things will be moving around a bit soon. Also for the most part I have dove into the groups: ThoseWhoWentMissing and Opelles and have found the ARPG groups comfortable for me to continue my writing muse.

[September 4, 2018] Once again I'm feeling stressed with this place, but I do believe that is because there is so much going on right now in my life that characters are causing more stress than the comfort they have normally given me. I also believe that many of these characters are going to be placed on a "back burner" for now as I just don't have the time for them right now. It is a sad choice I have to make in order to make things much easier on me. But aside from that, I am slowly getting my muse back for the ones that will be staying. I have a love for characters but I know there are times I just don't have the time to give them all that they need; I do have a family and a life outside of this and I need to find the balance for all of it. Regardless, I am slowly working those that will be staying here and for those that are not going to be staying.....I may begin weeding out many once more. We'll have to see what happens.

[December 29, 2018] It has been a long time since I posted anything here. So to start: I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas or holidays. And I hope that the coming year of 2019 is a great year for everyone!! Now I've put most of my characters on a back burner until later as Esk have taken over mine and my husband's lives. So the majority of my uploads and literature will be involving them and their lore and such. Other than that I don't have much to say.

--- YEAR 2019 ---

[February 21, 2019] I hope the new year has been good to everyone so far. I have a quick announcement: my TH is under-construction at the moment-don't mind the mess! Note:: Most of the characters here are hidden and will be eventually deleted (after images are saved). I have no time to develop them further than they already are; and in truth my husband and I have dived deeply into ThoseWhoWentMissing and don't plan on coming back any time soon. Now this doesn't mean I don't love all my characters as I will be keeping ALL of them; but the majority will be kept on a flash drive to develop off online at my leisure.

[April 15, 2019] Okay its definitely been a loooong while but!! As of right now I'm overhauling some profiles and such. I will also be having a minor surgery done the following week of this smol update. So bare with me and things should stop being hectic here soon...I hope!

[June 23, 2019] It's been a while yet again, but here lately I just haven't had much to say nor update on. My birthday was a few days ago and I cannot thank everyone enough for all the birthday wishes!! Other than that here lately ThoseWhoWentMissing (on deviantART) has taken over mine and my husband (tex4031)'s lives. So most of the activity here is going to be nothing but the species "Esk." (I'm not gonna hold grudges for those that decide to unwatch me over this as I believe "to each their own" motto). Until next time...whenever that may be!

[December 12, 2019] Okay so I'm pretty bad at updating anything, seeing as it's been over six months since my late entry. But everything in my corner of TH is going pretty well. Just getting everything in order and working on getting all my characters fleshed out and a profile coded. I hope that the coming year of 2020 will be a good one for everyone! Until next time!

--- YEAR 2020 ---

[January 2, 2020] 2020 hasn't exactly started out so well but I am not worried. Things that come at you and try to destroy you only makes you that much stronger. I honestly am grateful for all the lessons I have learned, and am still learning, in the first few days of this new year. But in this new year, I have decided things will change: I no longer will worry of the amount of OCs I have whether Closed Species, Original Character designs (from myself or my friends), or any of the like. I will also no longer care how long it takes me to get things in order as I finally realize that's my favorite part of this site: everything can be an ABSOLUTE mess but I LOVE that part of it all; because once the mess is over then there's nothing for me to work with (crazy thought but it totally makes sense for me). And finally, I have decided that the majority of my work will be found here--deviantART is great and I love the friends and family I have there but its becoming more centered around art and I am in no shape, form, or fashion an artist. I'm a writer and this place allows that for me. So I'll be more active here in this new year. Otherwise, I guess I don't have much to say. I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and New Year's! I look forward to a more active year!

[April 1, 2020] Goofy to think today is April Fools Day with everything that is going on in this world as of late! It's crazier to think that today is the day I decide to finally give an update on my little corner of toyhou.se as well-lmao! But this isn't a prank or anything--though I am sorry for spamming everyone's inboxes with the crap ton of icons I have just uploaded (a total of 416 I believe was the final count). No worries of those as they are pieces to the new profiles I am currently working on for my critters. But anyway, I do hope everyone is staying safe and washing their hands every chance you get! No one needs to be put at risk if we all can just do our parts in keeping ourselves and every one around us safe! I hope to come back with an update later that is more informational but for now this will have to do!
Stay safe everyone!

[April 11, 2020] Sorry for the mess everyone! I'm currently going through and redoing my characters' profiles...again lol And I'm having to redo their icons in order to get the right results for the profiles. So it may take a while but I promise things will get back in order in a few days. Also some characters have gone into my storage for now until a later date. They may come back or they may not but for now I'm going to work on the ones that I know have a story and a narrative to be told.

[May 24, 2020] I have got to be the craziest b**** I know! I go from "yay these profiles all look awesome!" to "holy shit I can't do this anymore with all the flashy-ness." So what does that mean exactly? That I am crazy and am ONCE AGAIN redoing profiles (both my own and my characters). Don't get me wrong I love having a premium on here (face it..it's cheaper than da by ALL MEANS), but I'm just tired of the flashy-ness and just want things back to a simple way for myself. In all honesty, I am a pretty simple being in life (family, coffee, books, critters, work -- basically that is what makes up my life) so I'm wanting my th to reflect that more than the flashy thing it has turned into. Apologizes in advance if things get hectic, or characters disappear to reappear, or anything else that might happen along the way with this revamp--but I'm ready for a slight change in appearance and pace. Other than that hope everyone stays safe this holiday weekend and that everyone is still doing what they can to stay safe in the world as a whole!

[July 6, 2020] I hope the holiday weekend was a safe and fun one for everyone! I can't say I got to enjoy it as work has been non-stop the passed month since the shutdown over two and half months ago. I can say this much, sleep and two days off has never sounded better in my life than now! But with all the hectic chaos that comes with a six day work week, I can't complain too much (well I can and probably will)! Regardless, things have begun to fall into order for my corner of TH and I couldn't be happier. I finally got everything in order and things are slowly coming together as I found a bio layout for all of my critters--including my two sonas--that fits perfectly. Granted I must admit in life outside of the net, things are coming along greatly as well! I mean aside form work having a lapse in judgement and trying to kill us all lmao! So I guess even though this was literally the year I am getting my "ducks in a row" and the world decides to fall apart, things are still better than they have been in a quite a long time. To end this rambling, everyone please continue to remain safe, hold your loved ones close, and remember we are all in this together even if we have to be a part for now.

[November 11, 2020] It's hard to believe that this year is almost over...and honestly I am beyond thrilled! 2020 has proved to be the most trying year for all! I do hope that everyone has held on as best they can! Currently I've found I still forget about this and that I'm pretty bad at updating, considering July was the last time this was updated. So here's a few updates:
1. Updating characters profiles (this is gonna be a wip for quite a while with all my critters)
2. Working on coding a directory for all my critters and their worlds (currently: filling in information, images, etc as I can)
Other than that I can't say there is much more to update on. Honestly I'm just ready for this year to be over with as it's been one trying year and I'm just...over it. Until next time then!

[December 29, 2020] It has been one hell of a year (to say the least)! I honestly have never had such a year unfold! Really at this point I am ready to archive 2020 and move on, anyone else with me? (lol) I must say that this year, aside from all the misfortunes, has taught me quite a few lessons and ones I am glad to have learned! I rekindled friendships I didn't know I would and have gotten closer to my family than ever before! It's been a rough year but I am glad to have had the family I did have my back through it out! Here's to hoping 2021 might been a little more on the tamed side. Granted: my motto for 2021 is: enter quietly! Don't look at anything! Don't touch anything! Don't even breathe on it! Regardless of everything, here's to hoping 2021 will give us all a breather and allow us all to catch back up! (Also maybe this coming year I might update this thing more often!)

--- YEAR 2021 ---

[April 1, 2021] I found it slightly funny that my first entry of 2021 is on April Fool's Day! But there is no joking with this entry as I've been having some major construction going on as of late in my corner of TH. Nothing bad! I just have been fiddling with CSS and profiles for so long that for a time nothing seemed to fit and nothing wanted to work. That was until here recently! My CSS for my page and my characters' pages have been given a fresh look with a code by Eggy. I rather enjoy the fresh and tidy feel of my pages now and with steady increases of muse for writing (once more) and finding the voices for my characters---profiles will start getting updated once more. I guess that is really all I have so far...other than I cannot believe we're already FOUR MONTHS into 2021 (the year seems to be going by rather quickly).

[April 16, 2021] There has been so much going on lately but I finally feel free and that I finally took charge of my life and my life in the workforce * v *9 I have been working at a deadend job for FOUR years with no chance of moving up the ladder to further my career nor improving my family's life. That ends today! So in celebration I have decided to rework my entire TH. The coding shall stay but character galleries shall change up with sub-gallery tabs of "main ref" and "art" for easier loading times (as I know some of my characters have A LOT of artwork). I also plan to update more of their bios (along with getting bios wrote down). No matter what though, things are looking up and I could not be happier for it!!! Here's to a MUCH BETTER life!!!!

[November 5, 2021] I still don't have much to say. Work carries on ever forward, my critter hoarding is still in full swing, there isn't much that has changed. Anymore it feels like the world just keeps turning and at some point I just fell into the every day to day grind that people trap themselves within. Oh well--money makes the world go round right? Maybe one day I'll find that muse again. Also where in the hell did 2021 go?! It's almost over already?!


I hope you feel better soon!! <3
I can't wait to see your writing!! 

I'm slowly working on it. SO RUSTY!!!!! XD