Interest check for customs?

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by Kuruna

Would u be interested in customs

3 Votes Yes!
2 Votes Maybe?
0 Votes Not at this time, sorry ):

Helloo 😭 basically I would like to make some $$$ before school starts again cuz I've been spending a little irresponsibly (which is entirely on me 💔), and lately I've been wanting to make designs for people Other than myself again but I've had no idea where I should start with it. So I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in customs!

They'd be in this style (I do Not feel comfortable offering more polished art at the time, very sorry about that!)



If you're interested I would also love suggestions on pricing... They may just be PWYW with a minimum price (you'd get more bonus doodles and complexity for higher payments) but I'm not 100% sure yet!

(btw if you're reading this and would be interested in a design trade lmk and I might be interested 😭 I would love more opportunities to branch out with the designs I create)


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