LF: Pokemon Designs

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Nymphrasis

Willing to exchange either characters on here ( Can't be gacha [ Arctic Neko, Year of the Rabbit, Demon of Hearts, Stardust Keeper, Sweet Gummy Gorgon, and Aquatic Nymphia. They are a no-no touch for trade. Only USD ] or Ninetales. Sylas Ikaroa I am heavily tentative on) or here .

Can also try paying with USD as well but my spending limit is $50 ( I am holding off the rest of the cash for other things. I was told I will be paid more in a few days but sometimes she isn't sure herself on specific dates nwn". Also updating the cash from time to time, as I am buying ocs behind the scenes cwc )

Note that I am picky pwp.

Ps. Am willing to consider Pokemon customs for trade, but note that I may be picky as to who the artist will be >w <

( Edit ) Pss. I do still accept humanoids! I am just more leaning towards Pokemon :0


Hi there! You have several pokemon I adore and would love to offer one. The list is:

One / Two / Three / Four

I know you favorited this design (though of course you're not held to it!) but I can also offer other pokemon from that folder or potentially anyone else on my account not marked as tentative/special!

Hiya there! 

Yuppers I did favorited that design, because it looked really cute ^3^! But I am willing to trade a character for that one, assuming one for one is ok ( Let me know whether it is fair or not please! ). I don't see anyone else that would catch my interests qwq

Oh wonderful! I didn't want to look presumptuous so I'm glad you're up for the trade! If you'd be up for it, Sun was my favorite of the batch!

That is alright >u <

I will transfer Sun over as soon as possible pwpb

Sent the babe over, thank you!

No problem and thank you too nwn