Bye-bye 👋

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by gudetama

< edit: I see your comments I'm just waiting for the energy to reread CS rules so I can transfer kids to masterlists before saying anything :') Love you guys though. Please note as said, my characters are prioritized towards those with attachments to them ; aka we had character relations. If no one else comes for them then I'll give them away to those that asked. >

Hello everyone! A long time coming, but I am retiring from the CS community, TH, and DA. I have a couple of things on my to-do that I will finish up and those will be my only reasons to check in before deactivation. My discord will also eventually be deactivated. I will be moving on to other projects in my life.

If you have special attachment to a character I own that I still possess ( I will unhide all my remaining characters in the next couple of days ) and you would like to keep them for sentiment, please tell me and I will readily give them over, or else I will likely retire them as well or give them away in a giveaway thread. 


I just saw this! I really hope you can move on in life and step back in a relaxing way from the whole CS stuff ;; I am sad to see you go because I always loved your art even I just silently watched u from afar TT It's also super sweet from you to give persons with attachment the characters they loved ;;; I feel a bit bad to ask but I still own the twin to this beautiful girl and would love to take her back ;;; If there is anything you would like for her in return, do let me know!

Aah it's too bad you're leaving the cs and art community ; A ; I adore your art wished I commissioned you sooner too xD ! May your next project be a success and good luck on the journey of life !  💗

You can always come back if you want too as well ofc ! 

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CS just aren't for me anymore, time to let them go. And I was never good at keeping commissions so you didn't miss out, believe me sksdhui But hank you very much for being around !!!

Ren went to another home, but thank you for taking interest in him c:

Haha np!! Wishing u luck !! 🥰🥺

Cs can be draining sometimes xD 

I hope youre able to relax and enjoy yourself after taking a step back. The opportunity is so kind, tysm! My bf is shy, but has always adored
Ty for the chance♥

Thank you very much for your kind words. Unfortunately Elias has gone to a different home, but I thank your BF for loving my boy :'D 

I am so sorry to see you go, but I hope these new projects will allow you to branch out and feel accomplished from what you have been doing. I've always loved your art and its fluffy quality, as you're able to go from light and airy to gritty. When I initially found you, it was from seeing this one character you designed and I have been a follower ever since. Thank you so much for sharing your art and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors ;A;

I would love the opportunity to give Charlotte or your necrobie a forever home. Normally I don't typically look for more standard humanoid designs, however when I first saw Charlotte I instantly had a place for her in my headworld of two stories I'm writing with crops of my OCs, both of which would preserve the bits of lore you already had written in her bio and would give her rich relations and a stable home. It's kinda strange but it was just a snap connection ^^;; I do see you have a lot of others interested in her before me though so I'm not expecting anything to come of it. 

Best wishes!

i'm sorry to hear you're leaving! i've always loved your art

Thank yooou, it was a good time <33

May you have the best of luck with new projects!! It's sad to see you go as your art has been an inspiration for the longest time but it's important you focus on what matters to you!! Good luck and maybe see your art again somewhere else some day! <3

uidhfduf I'm flattered it was inspo for you :') !!! Thank you for all your support <333 Catch you around !

Ahhh I hope you the best of luck!! I'll be missing you and your art a lot ;;w;; But I'm really happy that you're doing what you want!!

and.. I'd love to have same-the beromimi if possible;;

NOOOO I JUST SAW THIS,,, //orz// I'm sad to hear that you'll be leaving but I hope you're happier with what you're doing ( ^^ ) I'm forever grateful to you for being patient with my sloth self during our trade TT <3 Good luck on the journey!! <3

(If possible, I'd like to have either charlotte or tamago or ren,,) 

loooooooool I'm slow too, how can I complain about anyone haha. But it was worth it, your art is very cute and I only wish that you continue to grow and get better with time and age <333 Knock the rest of us outta the park man. 

Charlotte and Ren are going to different homes! But honestly, I have no idea who Tamago is, which is hilarious. Could you link me?

UWAA YOU'RE FLATTERING ME!! /// Thanks for the encouraging words, I'll work harder to grow this acc! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و

ALSO MY BAD TT 💔 I meant yolk,, not tamago,, how could I mess up her name 💔

oh thats because I'm the fool and one of her names is tamago--- but sure, you can have her :) 

We're all fools TT thanks for yolk gude!! 🙇‍♀️💖

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THANK U KAK.... I'm sorry we didn't get to hang out more too but I was already dying off </3 Please take care and look after yourself though. 

Eli is going home with family yes nods nods. All my rehms are long gone, but I do have my myo diab Azrael still on hand, but I can't remember if you cared much for him or not. 

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hi tama! really sad to hear this but i do hope for the best and that you are doing well! tysm for the time and art you've given us and as well the memories we've made!! 💙 wishing you the best of luck and i'll miss you a lot 😭 if the day ever comes where you'll come back, i hope we can meet again! (also would like to give ren a loving home for his connection with sugu and dino if ever possible 💖)

Waaahh I hope for the best for you always Tama!! I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors and send all the good vibes 🥺💕 I'll miss you and I hope we can reconnect if you ever decide to return. 

thank you for being here while it lasted. your art has always been amazing. good luck with everything out there, don't let them get you down. your art and characters never fail!

i believe there was a black and white character i really liked for some time. i'd be more than happy to get any character with your style though! good luck, good luck!

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Thank you very much for your support over time ; w ; I transferred them both and updated the ML for the lovedrop, have a good one <3

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Hihi, I bet you don’t know me but I’ve been a big fan of your art, always dreamed of owning some of it and love your style!!💕 I’m sad that you are leaving us but completely support your decision, I wish you nothing but the best, to be happy and success. Just wanted to let you know how much me and others appreciated you.

Thank you for all you have given to this community!💕✨

i wish you the best of luck with your future projects!!  i loved seeing all your creations during your time here !! i hope that whatever you end up doing gives you lots of happiness and joy

thank you ; w ; 

thank you ; w ; 

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Also wishing you the best of luck! I hope wherever you go you’ll make new happy memories!
cane from your name and stayed for your art good luck on future projects! 💪 

We all love gudetama bless... Thank you very much for sticking around with me while I was here <33 You take care!

Gudetama supremacy 🔥 

And it was a pleasure!! Take care too!!! 

It's been a long run gude ; _ ; /// We're gonna miss you!!!

Wishing you the best of luck in your future, good vibes and positive energy!

edit: ah-- and if possible, I'd really like to have Charlotte! I've been looking at her for a looooong time  

Thank you Sanme !! Its been a good time with you 🙌🙌🙌

I transferred her to you on the ML already but I gotta wipe the profile from my computer than I'll send her :) 

Thank you so much!! and noted!

good bye !! ; _ ; ////// (though hopefully we get to see you around somewhere in the future!)

TAMAAAA 😭😭😭 I hope you’re doing okay and good luck with RL and other stuff!!!!! I’ll miss you a lot and if you ever come back i hope we can reconnect ;-;

For OCs, is it okay to ask for Elias and Badman ;o; I really enjoyed their relations to Snow and Noise/Keys/Zen and I’d like to keep them if possible ;o; (also ren for inka but its okay if im asking too much 😭)