trans question thingy :]

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by Kalopsic_Lagomorph

stolen 👑

. What label do you currently use to represent your gender? (if you dont know thats a-ok!) - genderfluid (chucky voice)

. Have you come out to your parents? - no and im planning on keeping it that way 

. Have you come out to any other family members? - my cousins 

. Have you come out to anyone else? - yep most of my friends know

. If you haven't, when do you plan on coming out? - 

. What name do you want to go by of you come out - ro/roni anything that isnt my og name basically

. When did you realize you were trans? - i genuinly dont remember but i started labeling myself this year

. If you experience dysphoria, what really triggered it? - tity 🤮 and my voice

. Do you plan on going on testosterone or estrogen? - going on T would be nice but idk cos what if i start feeling more fem yknow

. Do you plan on getting any surgery? - idealy, but id be satisfied eith just a binder

. Has anybody ever thought you were of your non-born gender out in public? - no :[

. Would you change anything about yourself to make you feel more masculine/feminine/andro/ect? - HECK YAH


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